accordingly | adv 1. correspondingly , sewajarnya: he’s a dangerous person and must be treated ~, dia orang yg berbahaya, dan mesti diperlakukan sewajarnya; 2. consequently, oleh sebab itu, oleh itu, /dgn, oleh, yg/ demikian, maka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
earn | vt 1. obtain, mendapat, memperoleh: he ~s a salary of $1,000 a month, dia mendapat gaji $1,000 sebulan; to ~ $500 in fees, mendapat bayaran $500; 2. yield, menghasilkan: these shares are expected to ~ $300 a year, saham-saham ini dijangka akan menghasilkan $300 setahun; 3. deserve, /sewajarnya, sepatutnya, selayaknya/ mendapat: he did not ~ that promotion, tdk sewajarnya dia mendapat kenaikan pangkat itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fit1 | ~ and proper, sewajarnya, sepatutnya: since you were driving the car it’s only ~ and proper that you should pay the fine, oleh sebab kamu yg memandu kereta itu, sewajarnyalah kamu yg membayar dendanya; ~ for a king, sangat mewah: he was given a hotel room ~ for a king, dia diberi bilik hotel yg sangat mewah; ~ to drop, /setengah, separuh/ mati: I’ve worked in the garden until I’m ~ to drop, saya bekerja di kebun hingga setengah mati; ~ to explode, spt hendak meletup; ~ to wake the dead, bagai hendak pecah telinga: the noise of the traffic here is ~ to wake the dead, kebisingan lalu lintas di sini bagai hendak pecah telinga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fit1 | keep ~, menjaga kesihatan: the doctor declared him ~ to play in the final, doktor mengesahkan bahawa dia cukup sihat utk bermain dlm pertandingan akhir; 3. right and proper, sepatutnya, sewajarnya: he did not think ~ to see her, dia fikir sepatutnya dia tdk berjumpa dgn wanita itu; it is not ~ that you should treat him so, kamu tdk sepatutnya memperlakukannya demikian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
documentation | n 1. act of documenting, pendokumenan; 2. (documents as evidence, proof) dokumen; (documents as references) dokumentasi: we need proper ~ to support our claim, kita perlukan dokumen-dokumen yg sewajarnya utk menyokong tuntutan kita. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guarantee | n 1. (formal) promise that st will be done or will definitely happen, jaminan; (leg.) gerenti: the computer has a two-year ~, komputer itu mempunyai jaminan dua tahun; is the washing machine still under ~?, adakah mesin basuh itu masih dlm jaminan?; the union wanted some ~ that the management would give the matter due consideration, kesatuan sekerja mahukan suatu jaminan bahawa pihak pengurusan akan memberikan pertimbangan sewajarnya thdp perkara itu; ~ letter, surat jaminan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
correct | adj 1. accurate, without mistakes, betul, tepat: the ~ answer, jawapan yg tepat; her predictions proved ~, telahannya terbukti betul; 2. according to established procedure, betul: the ~ way to plane a piece of wood, cara yg betul mengetam sekeping papan; 3. according to accepted standards of morals, behaviour, etc, a. (of person, behaviour, conduct, etc) bersopan, beradab: her conduct has always been ~, tingkah lakunya sentiasa bersopan: a very ~ young man, anak muda yg sungguh beradab; b. (of dress) sesuai, cocok; /do, say/ the ~ thing, /membuat, mengatakan/ yg sewajarnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |