break | 4. recess, waktu rehat; (in a journey) berhenti berehat: the play lasts for three hours with only one ~, lakonan itu tiga jam lamanya dgn sekali saja waktu rehat; during a ~ in the journey, he took photographs of the castle, sewaktu berhenti berehat dlm perjalanan, dia mengambil gambar kastil itu; /coffee, tea/ ~, waktu minum; lunch ~, waktu makan tengah hari; commercial ~, waktu iklan; 5. discontinuation, putusnya, terputus: after a ~ of two years, their correspondence was renewed, sesudah terputus selama dua tahun, perhubungan surat menyurat antara mereka diteruskan semula; 6. rupture in relationship, putusnya (hubungan), terputus: the couple had drifted apart, but the final ~ did not occur until their daughter’s marriage, hubungan pasangan itu memang sudah renggang tetapi hanya terputus sesudah anak perempuan mereka berkahwin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
confinement | n 1. state of being shut up, pengurungan: solitary ~, pengurungan berasingan; 2. childbirth, (waktu) bersalin: she had a difficult ~, dia menghadapi kesukaran sewaktu bersalin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
panic | n 1. feeling of great anxiety, panik, cemas: she was close to ~ when she could not find her children, dia hampir cemas sewaktu dia tdk dapat mencari anak-anaknya; be in a (state of) ~, berasa /panik, cemas/: I was in a ~ when I realized how late it was, saya berasa panik apabila saya sedar betapa lewatnya waktu itu; fill so. with ~, (act.), /membuat, menyebabkan/ sso /panik, cemas/; (pass.) | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
as | b. (cause) kerana, oleh sebab: it is impossible to reach the village ~ the road is blocked, tdk mungkin kita dapat sampai ke kampung itu kerana jalan ke sana terhalang; ~ you have apologized, I will forget the matter, kerana saudara telah meminta maaf, saya akan melupakan perkara itu; c. (circumstances), (foll pres p) oleh sebab, kerana: living in the city ~ I do, I am accustomed to such things, oleh sebab saya tinggal di kota besar, hal-hal spt itu sudah biasa bagi saya; 4. (indic time), a. when, (se)waktu, ketika, sambil: she smiled ~ she received the gift, dia tersenyum sewaktu (dia) menerima hadiah itu or dia menerima hadiah itu sambil tersenyum; b. also just ~, sebaik saja: just ~ the door opened, a rifle-shot rang out, sebaik sahaja pintu itu terbuka, kedengaran tembakan senapang; c. while, sewaktu, semasa, sambil: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
he | pron 1. (replacing name of male person referred to) a. [as subj of act. v] dia: ~ wrote a letter to the manager, dia menulis surat kpd pengurus; b. [as agent of pass. v] nya: the letter which ~ wrote ..., surat yg ditulisnya; 2. (respectful, for distinguished male person) a. (gen) beliau: I would like to speak to the Vice-Chancellor, if ~ has time, saya ingin berjumpa dgn Naib Canselor, kalau beliau ada waktu; b. (for sovereign ruler or ex-ruler, crown prince, prophet of Islam, caliph) baginda: when he Emperor of Japan visited the factory, ~ was impressed, sewaktu Maharaja Jepun melawat ke kilang tersebut, baginda sangat tertawan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pull | ~ in, a. (of train) masuk stesen: he got there just as the express was ~ing in, dia tiba sebaik saja kereta api ekspres itu masuk stesen; b. (of boat, vehicle) berhenti: the car ~ed in not far from our gate, kereta itu berhenti tdk jauh dr pintu pagar kita; ~ os in, mengempiskan perut; ~ so. in, a. attract so., menarik sso: the film ~ed in large audiences every night, filem itu menarik ramai penonton setiap malam; b. (colloq) arrest so., menangkap sso: he was ~ed in for drunken driving, dia ditangkap krn memandu sewaktu mabuk; ~ st in, (colloq), /mengaut, meraih/ sst: at one stage he was ~ing in hundreds of dollars a day, pd suatu waktu, dia mengaut beratus-ratus ringgit sehari; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |