damn | interj sial, celaka, jahanam; ~ it (all), sial!, celaka!, jahanam!; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cursed | adj 1. under a curse, kena sumpah(an); 2. damnable, celaka, sial: where is that ~ boy?, mana budak celaka itu?; the ~ clock has stopped again, jam sial ini rosak lagi; what a ~ nuisance!, celaka!. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fucking | adj & adv (taboo & offensive outside intimate circles), (preceding v, also ~ well ) sial, celaka, [not translated]: I got on the wrong ~ train and had to get off at King’s Cross, saya naik kereta api yg salah dan terpaksa turun di King’s Cross, celaka betul!; where’s that ~ passport?, di mana pasport sial itu?; if he won’t do it, we’ll have to ~ well make him, kalau dia tak mahu membuatnya, kita paksa dia saja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ill-starred | adj malang, sial. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jinx | n (colloq) pembawa sial. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fucker | n (taboo & sl ) puki mak; (less strong) babi, sial, celaka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fuck | interj (taboo & offensive outside intimate circles); ~ (it, you) puki mak; (less strong) babi , celaka, sial: ~ you! Leave me alone!, babi engkau! Jangan kacau aku!; ~ this TV! Why won’t it work?, puki mak TV ini! Kenapa tak mahu hidup?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bastard | n 1. illegitimate child or adult, anak /haram, luar nikah, gampang/; (contemptuous) haram jadah; 2. (colloq), (used as term of abuse) keparat, celaka, anak haram, bangsat, (anak) gampang, haram jadah: he’s a real ~, keparat betul dia; 3. (colloq) st difficult, unpleasant, sial betul: this ~ of a job, sial betul kerja ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
damn | vt 1. doomed to hell, melaknat, mengutuk: but he that believeth not shall be ~ed, tetapi barang siapa yg tdk percaya akan Tuhan akan dilaknat; 2. condemn, mengecam hebat, menyelar: the play was ~ed by the critics, drama itu telah dikecam hebat oleh para pengkritik; to ~ a person’s character, mengecam hebat perangai sso; 3. curse, menyumpah, menyeranah: he ~ed the dog for getting in the way, dia menyumpah anjing itu krn menghalang jalannya; ~ so., /sial, celaka, jahanam/ /betul, sungguh/ sso: ~ him, he ought to be more careful, sial sungguh dia, sepatutnya berhati-hatilah sedikit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hell | n 1. (relig) neraka: we believe in heaven and ~, kami percaya adanya syurga dan neraka; 2. place or state of suffering, spt dlm neraka: she made his life ~, perempuan itu membuat hidup suaminya spt dlm neraka; ~ on earth, neraka dunia; 3. (to express anger, annoyance) sial, celaka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |