healthy | adj 1. enjoying, showing good health, sihat; (of plants) subur: ~ babies, bayi-bayi yg sihat; ~ skin, kulit yg sihat; 2. thriving, teguh: the country’s economy is fairly ~, ekonomi negara itu agak teguh; 3. conducive to health, menyihatkan, menyegarkan: the ~ air of the mountains, udara gunung yg menyihatkan; a ~ climate, iklim yg menyegarkan; 4. good, beneficial, sihat: ~ competition, persaingan yg sihat; ~ reading for school children, pembacaan yg sihat utk kanak-kanak sekolah 5. sensible, wajar: children have a ~ interest in the human body, kanak-kanak mempunyai minat yg wajar thdp tubuh manusia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ill | adj 1. sick, unwell, sakit, tdk sihat: you look ~, kamu kelihatan tdk sihat; /fall, be taken/ ~, jatuh sakit; feel ~, sakit, tdk sihat; be ~ with, a. (fever etc) demam: he is ~ with pneumonia, dia demam pneumonia; b. (anxiety, worry, etc) dilanda; 2. unsound, sakit: to be mentally ~, sakit otak; 3. harmful, buruk: ~ effects, kesan buruk; 4. bad, unfavourable, disastrous, tdk baik, buruk; (of fortune, luck) malang, buruk: ~ omen, petanda buruk; ~ luck, nasib malang; 5. that ascribes evil to st referred to, jahat: a man of ~ repute, lelaki yg terkenal jahat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | e. improve in health, semakin sihat: the patient is coming along nicely, pesakit itu semakin sihat; f. make progress, berjalan lancar; (interrog) berkembang, perkembangan: the project is coming along very well, projek itu sedang berjalan lancar; how is the dictionary coming along?, bagaimana dgn perkembangan kamus itu?; g. improve, bertambah baik: his Japanese is coming along fine, penguasaan bahasa Jepunnya bertambah baik; h. arrive by chance, ada: when the opportunity ~s along I’ll take it, bila ada peluang saya akan mengambilnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indisposed | adj (fml) 1. unwell, kurang sihat: she is ~ today, dia kurang sihat hari ini; 2. disinclined, keberatan: he was ~ to join us, dia keberatan menyertai kami. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
health | n 1. condition of body or mind, kesihatan: too much fat is bad for the ~, terlalu banyak lemak tdk elok utk kesihatan; public ~, kesihatan umum; ~ service, perkhidmatan kesihatan; in good ~, (dlm keadaan) sihat; in /poor, bad, ill / ~, tdk sihat; 2. state of physical and mental well-being, kesihatan: ~ is better than wealth, kesihatan lebih baik drpd kekayaan; with ~, krn sihat: her skin was glowing with ~, kulitnya berseri-seri krn sihat; drink to so's ~, minum ucap selamat utk sso; 3. prosperity, keteguhan: the country’s economic ~, keteguhan ekonomi negara itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
condition | 4. prerequisite, syarat: to abide by the ~s of the lease, mematuhi syarat-syarat pajakan itu; he is willing to lend you the car on ~ you take good care of it, dia sanggup meminjamkan keretanya dgn syarat kamu menjaganya dgn baik; 5. state of health, keadaan sihat, kesihatan: to improve o’s ~ by jogging, memperbaik kesihatan sso dgn berjoging; /in, out of/~, dlm keadaan /sihat, tdk sihat/; 6. illness, penyakit; (preceded by “liver”, “brain”, etc) sakit: she’s suffering from a rare ~, dia menghidap penyakit yg jarang dihidapi orang; a heart ~, sakit jantung; 7. social position or rank, kedudukan: a person of high ~, seorang yg berkedudukan tinggi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
excellent | be in ~ health , sihat walafiat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ill-health | n (keadaan) tdk sihat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
able-bodied | adj tegap dan sihat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
good | you look a ~ deal better today, kamu kelihatan jauh lebih sihat hari ini; a ~ while ago, lama dahulu; a ~ distance away, jauh dr sini; 15. rather more than, not less than, lebih drpd: they ate a ~ half of the pudding, mereka makan lebih drpd separuh puding itu; it’s a ~ 4 miles to the village, jauhnya ke kampung itu lebih drpd 4 batu; he fell a ~ 10 feet, dia jatuh lebih drpd 10 kaki; 16. (often patronizing), (as form of address), [not translated]: my ~ sir, tuan; my ~ friend, kawan; 17. (in forms of | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |