elbow | n 1. joint between upper and lower arm, siku; 2. part of garment covering elbow, (bahagian) siku; 3. elbow-shaped bend, corner, selekoh tajam; (of pipe) siku (paip); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bend | n 1. curved part, a. (of road) selekoh, siku, liku, kelok, lengkok: a road full of ~s, jalan yg penuh dgn selekoh; b. (of other things) lengkung: the ~ of the handlebar, lengkung gagang basikal; the ~ of the back, lengkung belakang sso; the ~ of an arched window, lengkung tingkap gerbang; 2. act of bending, [various translations]: with a quick ~ of the body, dgn melengkungkan badannya cepat-cepat; with a slight ~ of the knee, dgn membengkokkan kakinya sedikit; put a ~ in st, membengkokkan sst; (go) round the ~, (colloq), (sudah) gila; straighten out a ~ in st, meluruskan sst; take a ~, menyelekoh; there is a ~ in st, sst bengkok: there is a ~ in the curtain rod, alang langsir itu bengkok; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bracket | n 1. support for shelf etc, pendakap: a lamp ~, pendakap lampu; 2. (print) a. (gen) kurungan, tanda kurung; b. also square bracket, tanda kurung siku; 3. group, category, golongan: the low income ~, golongan berpendapatan rendah; all those in the 20 to 30 age ~, kesemua yg berada dlm golongan umur 20 ke 30 tahun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |