choral | adj of, sung by choir, koir: ~ symphony, simfoni koir; ~ singing, nyanyian koir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adapt | vt 1. adjust, menyesuaikan: she could not ~ herself to life in the city, dia tdk dapat menyesuaikan dirinya dgn kehidupan di kota; the symphony has been ~ed for the piano, simfoni itu telah disesuaikan utk piano; 2. make suitable (play, novel, etc) memadankan, mengadaptasikan, menyesuaikan; (to a new setting) menyadur: novels ~ed for television, novel-novel yg dipadankan utk tayangan di televisyen; a story written in Malay and ~ed from Aesop’s Fables, cerita yg ditulis dlm bahasa Melayu dan disadur drpd Dongeng Aesop; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
butcher | vt 1. slaughter or dress animals, menyembelih, membantai: he ~ed a sheep, dia menyembelih seekor kambing biri-biri; 2. kill wantonly or brutally, membunuh dgn kejam: thousands of people were ~ed, beribu-ribu orang dibunuh dgn kejam; 3. make a mess of, bungle, menjahanamkan, merosakkan: the orchestra ~ed the symphony, orkestra itu merosakkan simfoni tersebut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |