full house | n (cinema, theatre, etc) panggung penuh; (of stadium) stadium penuh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
horde | n 1. crowd, throng, begitu/ ramai, banyak/: ~s of people poured out of the stadium, orang yg begitu ramai berduyun-duyun keluar dr stadium; in ~s, beramai-ramai; 2. multitude (of insects) tdk terkira banyaknya: ~s of mosquitoes rose from the swamp, nyamuk yg tdk terkira banyaknya telah berterbangan keluar dr paya itu; 3. nomadic tribe, gerombolan: the Gypsy ~, gerombolan Gipsi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jam1 | ~ so. /in, into/ st, memasukkan sso ke dlm sst: it is not possible to ~ 30,000 spectators into the small stadium, tdk mungkin kita dapat memasukkan 30,000 penonton ke dlm stadium yg kecil itu; ~ st /in, into st/, menyumbatkan sst ke dlm sst: he hurriedly ~ed the papers into his briefcase, dia cepat-cepat menyumbatkan kertas-kertas tersebut ke dlm beg bimbitnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gain | her achievements ~ed her the respect of her peers, pencapaiannya menyebabkan dia dihormati rakan sejawatnya; ~ entry, (dapat) masuk: they ~ed entry into the stadium through the back door, mereka masuk ke stadium itu melalui pintu belakang; ~ time, /melengah-lengahkan, melambat-lambatkan/ masa: the player feigned injury to ~ time, pemain itu berpura-pura cedera utk melengah-lengahkan masa; 2. win, mendapat, memperoleh: victory has not yet been ~ed, kemenangan | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cram | 2. fill (st) too full, memadatkan; (of people) menyesakkan, memadati; (mouth) menyumbat: he ~med his speech with quotations, dia memadatkan ucapannya dgn petikan; department stores ~med their shelves with goods for Christmas, gedung-gedung serbaneka memadatkan rak-rak dgn barang-barang utk Christmas; football fans ~med the stadium, peminat-peminat bola sepak menyesakkan stadium itu; hungry children ~ming their mouths with food, anak-anak yg kelaparan menyumbat mulut mereka dgn makanan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |