joint stock | n stok bersama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
headstock | n (in machine) stok kepala. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blue chip | n (finance) cip biru: a ~ stock, stok cip biru. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
decreasing | adj berkurangan: ~ cost, kos berkurangan; ~ stock, stok berkurangan; the ~ crime rate, kadar jenayah yg berkurangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inventory | vt make list of, membuat inventori: the stock must be inventoried once a year, stok itu mesti dibuat inventori sekali setahun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
depreciation | n 1. lowering of value, susut nilai: ~ of stocks, susut nilai stok; 2. allowance made for wear and tear, susut nilai: provision for ~ has affected profit, peruntukan bagi susut nilai telah menjejaskan keuntungan; 3. disparagement, memperkecil-kecil: remarks made in ~ of o’s rival, kata-kata yg memperkecil-kecil pihak lawan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
investment | n 1. act of investing money, pelaburan: he managed, by wise ~, to double his capital, dgn membuat pelaburan yg bijak, dia dapat menggandakan modalnya; to make an ~ in mining stocks, membuat pelaburan dlm stok perlombongan; 2. money invested, pelaburan: he gets a good return on his ~s, dia mendapat keuntungan yg tinggi drpd pelaburannya; 3. anything in which money is invested, pemerolehan: a lawn-mower is a good ~, mesin potong rumput ialah pemerolehan yg baik; as an ~, sbg satu pelaburan; 4. act of spending (time, effort, etc) penggunaan, menggunakan: he thought it a better ~ of effort to embark on an enterprise that he was certain would not fail, dia berasa lebih baik menggunakan tenaga utk memulakan perusahaan yg dia pasti tdk akan gagal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | ~ in, a. enter, masuk: close the door when you ~ in, tutup pintu apabila kamu masuk; b. be available, arrive, sampai; (of letter) diterima: the new stock should come in some time this afternoon, stok baru sepatutnya sampai tengah hari ini; not a single application has ~ in, tdk ada satu pun borang permohonan diterima; c. (broadcasting & journ) be received, diterima: news of the President’s death has just ~ in, berita kematian Presiden baru saja diterima; d. arrive as expected, sampai, tiba: the train came in a little late, kereta api itu sampai agak lewat sedikit; e. (of the tide, the water, etc) pasang; f. (sport) mendapat tempat: he came in second in the race, dia mendapat tempat kedua dlm acara lumba lari itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
derive | vi 1. originate, berasal: English and German ~d from a common source, bahasa Inggeris dan bahasa Jerman berasal drpd sumber yg sama; 2. spring, come, berpunca: his income ~s from bonds and stocks, pendapatannya berpunca drpd bon dan stok; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fob2 | vt; ~ /so., st /off, tdk /mempedulikan, mengendahkan//sso, sst/; ~ so. off (with st) menipu sso dgn + approp v: the salesgirl tried to ~ me off with a defective calculator, jurujual itu mencuba menipu saya dgn menjual penghitung yg cacat; ~ st off on so., menipu sso dgn + approp v: he ~bed off all their old stock on the tourists, dia menipu pelancong dgn menjual semua stok lama kpd mereka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |