closet | n 1. small room for storing things, stor kecil; 2. cupboard, almari: clothes ~, almari pakaian; 3. small room for private interviews, kamar kecil; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foul | adj 1. filthy, kotor: a bundle of ~ rags, seikat kain buruk yg kotor; the store was ~, bilik stor itu kotor; 2. stinking, (berbau) busuk: a ~ -smelling drain, longkang yg berbau busuk; his breath was ~, nafasnya busuk; 3. (in taste) dahsyat (rasanya): this medicine tastes ~, ubat ini rasanya dahsyat; 4. wicked, evil, kejam: a ~ crime, jenayah kejam; a ~ murder, pembunuhan kejam; 5. obscene, cabul: his language was ~, bahasanya cabul; she has a ~ mind, fikirannya cabul; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appurtenant | adj 1. accessory, relating to, berkaitan: the farmhouse with its ~ barns and stores was sold as a separate lot, rumah ladang itu berserta dgn rumah bangsal dan stor yg berkaitan dengannya telah dijual sbg lot yg berasingan; tools ~ to the trade, alat-alat yg berkaitan dgn pertukangan; 2. (leg.) kepunyaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dispose | d. (by throwing away) membuang: she persuaded her husband to ~ of the rubbish which had accumulated in the store room, dia memujuk suaminya supaya membuang sampah yg terkumpul di bilik stor; e. (by killing) membunuh; f. (in sport, competition) menewaskan, mengalahkan; g. (argument) mematahkan: as the arguments put forward were untenable, they were easily ~d of, oleh sebab hujah-hujah yg dikemukakan tdk dapat dipertahankan, hujah-hujah itu dapat dipatahkan dgn mudah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
atmosphere | n 1. gaseous mass surrounding heavenly body, atmosfera; 2. air, climate (in any place) udara: the ~ in the store-room is rather stuffy, udara dlm bilik stor itu agak pengap; 3. pervading feeling, mood, suasana: an ~ of poverty and decadence, suasana kemiskinan dan kemerosotan hidup; the ~ in the room was very tense, suasana di bilik itu sangat tegang; 4. prevailing mood of creative work, suasana; 5. enviroment typical of a given place, period, etc, suasana: the ~ of a Chinatown, suasana pekan Cina; the ~ of Victorian England, suasana zaman Victoria di England; 6. any local gaseous environment, medium, atmosfera; 7. individual effect (usu exotic) suasana istimewa: this restaurant certainly has ~, ada suasana istimewa di restoran ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adjoining | adj 1. (of area of land) bersempadanan: ~ lots, lot-lot yg bersempadanan; 2. (of buildings, parts of building) /bersambung, bersebelahan/ dgn: the store ~ the factory, stor yg bersambung dgn kilang itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jam1 | ~ so. in, memasukkan sso: we can’t ~ any more passengers in, the bus is full!, kami tdk dapat memasukkan penumpang lagi, bas ini sudah penuh!; ~ st in, menyumbatkan sst ke dalam sst: the store-room is small; if you ~ too many things in, you won’t be able to close the door, bilik stor itu kecil; jika kamu menyumbatkan terlalu banyak barang ke dalamnya, kamu tdk akan dapat menutup pintunya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
invade | 2. crowd into, a. (of people) datang beramai-ramai ke; (in great numbers) membanjiri: the first group of prospectors ~d the area as early as last April, kumpulan pencari emas yg pertama datang beramai-ramai ke kawasan itu pd bulan April dahulu lagi; the city was ~d by hordes of tourists, bandar itu dibanjiri beribu-ribu pelancong; b. (of insects, pests), /meremut, penuh/ di: ants had ~d the store, semut meremut di stor; c. (of doubt, worry, etc) dilanda: doubts ~d his mind, fikirannya dilanda rasa sangsi; 3. intrude upon, infringe, mengganggu: he claimed that his privacy had been ~d, dia mendakwa bahawa hak kebersendiriannya telah diganggu; to ~ the rights of the private citizen, mengganggu hak rakyat biasa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clean | ~ up, a. clear or tidy up, mengemaskan tempat /ini, itu/; (preceded by infin marker) berkemas: she spent hours ~ing up after the party, dia mengambil masa berjam-jam lamanya mengemaskan tempat itu selepas majlis tersebut; it’s his turn to ~ up, ini gilirannya utk berkemas; b. (colloq) get washed, membersihkan diri: give me ten minutes to ~ up. I’ve got paint on my hand, beri saya sepuluh minit utk membersihkan diri. Tangan saya penuh dgn cat; c. make money, /meraih, memperoleh, mendapat/ keuntungan; ~ os up, membersihkan diri sso: please wait in the sitting room while I ~ myself up, sila tunggu di ruang tamu sementara saya membersihkan diri saya; get os ~ed up, membersihkan diri; ~ up st, a. make place clean, mengemaskan sst: can you help me ~ up the storeroom?, bolehkah kamu menolong saya mengemaskan bilik stor ini?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |