Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : masyghul, (berasa) dukacita, susah hati; kesugulan kemasyghulan, perasaan duka­cita, kesusahan hati. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

Definisi : berasa susah hati; berasa dukacita: Cikgu Mariam kelihatan ~ kerana murid-muridnya kerap ponteng sekolah. kesugulan keadaan sugul; kesusahan hati: Seluruh negeri Melaka mengalami ~ yg amat sangat kerana kematian Lak­samana itu. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Rujuk :masyghul

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

funerealadj gloomy, dismal, sugul: she had a ~ expression on her face, wajahnya sugul; in ~ tones, dgn nada sugul; at a ~ pace, perlahan-lahan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bluesn 1. melancholy, keadaan /sugul, murung/: she is suffering from the ~, dia sedang dlm keadaan sugul; give so. the ~, membuat sso berasa sugul; 2. (mus) blues.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
crestfallenadj sugul, murung: he was ~ after losing the game, dia sugul selepas kalah dlm perlawanan itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cast~ down; /be, feel/ ~ down, (berasa) /sugul, sedih/: she felt ~ down after all the guests had gone home, dia berasa sugul selepas semua tetamunya pulang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
downcastadj 1. depressed, sugul, muram; 2. (of eyes) memandang ke bawah: she answered our questions with ~ eyes, dia menjawab pertanyaan kami dgn mata yg memandang ke bawah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
doldrumsn (geog) doldrum: equatorial ~, doldrum khatulistiwa; in the ~, a. in low spirits, dlm keadaan /murung, sugul/, dlm /kemurungan, kesugulan/: he has been in the ~ ever since the tragedy befell the family, dia dlm keadaan murung sejak tragedi itu menimpa keluarganya; b. in a state of inactivity, dlm keadaan /lembap, suram, malap/: the film industry was in the ~ in the late sixties, industri perfileman dlm keadaan malap pd penghujung tahun enam puluhan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
blueadj 1. (rel to colour) biru: the ~ sky, langit biru; the ~ ocean, lautan biru; ~ jeans, jean biru; 2. (rel to the skin) discoloured by cold, fear, etc, naik biru: hands ~ from the cold, tangan yg naik biru akibat kesejukan; 3. depressed, sugul, murung: to feel ~, berasa sugul; 4. dismal, bleak, muram: a ~ day, hari yg muram; 5. indecent, lucah: ~ films, filem-filem lucah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fall10. be defeated and captured, ditawan: the town fell to the enemy, bandar itu ditawan oleh pihak musuh; 11. collapse, jatuh: the government fell after the revolt, kerajaan itu jatuh selepas pemberontakan; 12. show dismay, kelihatan /muram, sugul/: her face fell when she heard the news, wajahnya kelihatan muram apabila mendengar berita itu; 13. occur, take place, jatuh; (of night etc) tiba: Christmas Day ~s on a Friday this year, Hari Krismas jatuh pd hari Jumaat tahun ini; darkness was ~ing fast, malam cepat tiba; 14. have specified place, terletak: the accent ~s on the last syllable, aksen itu terletak pd suku kata akhir;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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