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Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[sum] | سوم

Definisi : sl = perahu ~ sj perahu (kapal) Siam. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata sum

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

aggregaten 1. sum total, jumlah; () agregat: the~ of these small errors may be so large that it will affect the outcome of the experiment, jumlah kesilapan-kesilapan kecil ini mungkin begitu besar hingga menjejaskan hasil uji kaji tersebut; the ~ of man’s knowledge, jumlah keseluruhan pengetahuan manusia; in the ~, pd keseluruhannya: this year’s work in the ~ is an improvement on last year’s, pd keseluruhannya kerja tahun ini merupakan suatu kemajuan drpd kerja tahun lalu; 2. (geol) batu baur; 3. (used in making concrete, Tarmacadam) batu-batu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fortunen 1. wealth, large sum of money, harta /yg banyak, kekayaan/, kekayaan: he inherited a ~ from his aunt, dia mewarisi harta yg banyak drpd ibu saudaranya; a man of ~, orang yg sangat kaya; come into a ~, tiba-tiba memperoleh kekayaan; cost (so.) a ~, /terlalu, sangat/ mahal: the house costs him a ~, rumahnya terlalu mahal; make a ~, menjadi sangat kaya; a small ~, setambun wang: she spent a small ~ on clothes, dia menghabiskan setambun wang utk membeli pakaian; marry a ~, berkahwin dgn orang yg sangat kaya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
allowancen 1. limited quantity, sum given regularly, a. (of money) elaun: he gave his son an ~ of M$200 a month, dia memberi anak lelakinya elaun M$200 sebulan; the ~ for groceries was M$50, elaun utk keperluan dapur ialah M$50; b. (of food etc) peruntukan: ~s in kind, peruntukan dlm bentuk barang; 2. discount, reduction, potongan: an ~ of 10% is made for cash payments, potongan sebanyak 10% diberikan bagi setiap bayaran tunai; 3. money for special expenses, elaun: entertainment ~, elaun keraian; travelling ~, elaun perjalanan; 4. sanction, permission, keizinan; 5. st allowed, peruntukan: free baggage ~, peruntukan bagasi percuma;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
addvt 1. combine to form a sum, a. (one number to another) mencampurkan: to ~ six and eleven, mencampurkan enam dgn sebelas; b. also ~ st up, (two or more numbers) mencampurkan, menjumlahkan: he ~ed up the figures in the column, dia mencampurkan angka-angka dlm ruang itu; 2. also ~ (st) in, put or pour in, memasukkan, membubuh; (with intention to adulterate) mencampurkan: she ~ed flour to the mixture, dia memasukkan tepung ke dlm adunan; 3. increase amount of, menambahkan, membubuh lagi: to ~ more sugar to the coffee, menambahkan gula ke dlm kopi; 4. join so as to increase, memasukkan, menggabungkan: to ~ the cost of the freight to the total cost, memasukkan kos pengangkutan ke dlm jumlah kos; to ~ the interest to the capital, memasukkan faedah ke dlm jumlah pinjaman pokok; to ~ the new evidence to that already available, memasukkan bukti yg baru diperoleh kpd yg sedia ada;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
goodlyadj (fml) large, considerable, besar: he must have paid a ~ sum for this house, pasti dia telah membayar sejumlah wang yg besar utk membeli rumah ini.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
equalbe ~ to, a. be the same as, sama dgn: a sum ~ to one week’s pay, jumlah yg sama dgn gaji seminggu; b. see (sense 2.). c. be able to cope with, (preceding n) dapat + approp v; (preceding v) dapat: the teacher was not ~ to the task of keeping order in the classroom, guru itu tdk dapat menangani tugas menjaga ketenteraman bilik darjah; in spite of our doubts, when the time came he was ~ to the occasion, walaupun kami berasa sangsi, apabila tiba masanya dia dapat menghadapi keadaan itu; the management doesn’t seem ~ to meeting our demands, pihak pengurusan nampaknya tdk dapat memenuhi tuntutan kami; /all, other/ things being ~, sekiranya yg lain-lain tdk berubah: all things being ~, the job should be given to Smith, sekiranya yg lain-lain tdk berubah, tugas itu harus diberikan kpd Smith;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
do~ so. out of, cause so. not to get, menipu sso sehingga [sso] + approp v; (a sum of money) menipu: his relatives did him out of his property, saudara-maranya menipu dia sehingga dia tdk mendapat harta; he was ~ne out of $5,000, dia ditipu sebanyak $5,000;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gainvt 1. acquire, obtain, mendapat, [sometimes memperoleh]; (with pers pron) menyebabkan [sso] mendapat [sst]: he ~ed a large sum of money out of the deal, dia mendapat jumlah wang yg banyak drpd urus janji itu; there is nothing to be ~ed by rudeness, kita tdk mendapat apa-apa pun dgn berlaku biadab; to ~ valuable experience, memperoleh pengalaman yg tdk ternilai; to ~ knowledge, memperoleh pengetahuan; to try to ~ so’s sympathy, cuba mendapatkan simpati; to ~ an advantage over o’s competitor, dia mendapat kelebihan utk mengatasi saingannya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
amortization, amortisationn 1. act, process of amortizing a debt, pelunasan: the ~ of intangible assets, pelunasan aset yg tak ketara; 2. sum devoted to amortizing a debt, wang pelunas (hutang).Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
amountn 1. quantity, banyak(nya): the ~ of food left over surprised her, dia terperanjat melihat banyaknya makanan yg berlebihan itu; 2. sum total, jumlah; (econ) amaun: the ~ still unsold, jumlah yg masih belum dijual; he only spent a small ~ on repairs, dia hanya membelanjakan jumlah yg kecil bagi kerja-kerja pembaikan; ~ owing, amaun terhutang; 3. full value, significance, effect, maksud(nya): the ~ of the statement is that..., maksud kenyataan itu ialah...;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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