deserted | adj 1. abandoned, ditinggalkan: a ~ hut, pondok yg ditinggalkan; 2. empty, sunyi, kosong, lengang: the city is ~ during the festive season, bandar raya itu sunyi pd musim perayaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intensify | vt enhance, menyebabkan [n] bertambah + approp adj; (effort) memperhebat: the bleakness of his surroundings intensified his sense of loneliness, kesuraman keadaan sekelilingnya menyebabkan dia bertambah sunyi; the police intensified their efforts to find the killer, polis memperhebat usaha mereka utk mencari pembunuh itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
consternation | n kebingungan, bingung: he was filled with ~ when the car suddenly stopped in the middle of the deserted road, dia menjadi bingung apabila keretanya tiba-tiba berhenti di tengah-tengah jalan yg sunyi itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
airless | adj 1. stuffy, tak berangin, berkuap: an ~ room, bilik yg berkuap; 2. still, breezeless, hening: the evening was quiet and ~, malam itu sunyi dan hening. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frightful | adj 1. (terrifying) dahsyat; (horrifying) ngeri, mengerikan: we had this ~ experience of being stranded on a deserted road in the middle of the night, kami menempuh pengalaman yg dahsyat terkandas di jalan sunyi pd tengah malam; a ~ accident, kemalangan yg mengerikan; 2. (colloq) a. unpleasant, dahsyat, teruk: a ~ journey, perjalanan yg dahsyat; ~ weather, cuaca yg dahsyat; b. very great, betul-betul: he’s a ~ liar, dia betul-betul pembohong; in a ~ hurry, betul-betul tergesa-gesa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inspiration | n 1. influence arousing creative activity, ilham, inspirasi: Wordsworth drew his ~ from nature, Wordsworth mendapat ilham drpd alam semula jadi; he found ~ in the peace and quiet about him, dia mendapat ilham drpd alam sekelilingnya yg sunyi dan tenang; 2. source that inspires, sumber /ilham, inspirasi/: his father was his ~, bapanyalah sumber ilhamnya; 3. inspired thought, idea, ilham, inspirasi: watching the ducks in the pond, he had a sudden ~, semasa merenung itik-itik di kolam itu, tiba-tiba dia mendapat ilham; 4. process of breathing in air, inspirasi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
err | vi (old-fashioned & fml) make a mistake, membuat kesilapan; ~ on the side of (caution, mercy, etc), bersikap terlalu /berhati-hati, belas ihsan, dll/; ~ on the side of justice, terlalu memihak kpd keadilan; to ~ is human, manusia tdk sunyi drpd kesilapan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deathly | adj 1. (of person’s face ) pucat spt mayat; 2. (of paleness, pallor) spt mayat: his face began to change to a ~ paleness, mukanya mula berubah menjadi pucat spt mayat; 3. (of silence) sunyi; 4. (of stillness) sesepi-sepinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
impenetrable | 4. not to be broken through, [various translations]: an air of ~ gloom, suasana murung yg sukar dihilangkan; his friends could not break through his ~ reserve, awan-kawannya tdk dapat menembusi sifat pendiamnya; in the ~ silence, dlm keadaan yg sunyi sepi; 5. unreceptive, sukar menerima: a mind that is ~ to new ideas, fikiran yg sukar menerima gagasan-gagasan baru. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
isolated | adj 1. remote, set apart from others, terpencil: an ~ farmhouse, rumah ladang yg terpencil; she chose to lead an ~ life, away from the bustle of the city, dia memilih utk hidup terpencil, jauh dr kesibukan kota; 2. alone, lonely, sepi, sunyi, terasing, terpencil: as I shared neither their interests nor inclinations, I began to feel more and more ~, oleh sebab saya tdk mempunyai minat dan kecenderungan yg sama spt mereka, saya berasa semakin terasing; 3. occasional, terpencil: he quoted ~ cases of violence and cautioned the reader not to make any generalizations, dia memberikan beberapa contoh kes keganasan yg terpencil dan mengingatkan pembaca supaya tdk membuat anggapan umum. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |