survival kit | n perlengkapan ikhtiar hidup. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
survival | 2. that which survives from a former period, relic, peninggalan: this giant lizard, a ~ of the age of reptiles, can only be found on this one island, cicak yg besar ini, peninggalan dr zaman reptilia, hanya boleh didapati di pulau ini saja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
survival | b. (fig.) existence, kewujudan: we are fighting for the very ~ of democracy in the modern world, kami sedang berjuang utk kewujudan demokrasi dlm dunia moden ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
survival | n 1. a. act or state of continuing to live, exist, hidup: the patient is very badly injured, and his ~ is in doubt, pesakit itu cedera parah, dan sama ada dia boleh terus hidup adalah diragui; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
struggle | n 1. battle, fight, contest, perjuangan; (for power, leadership, etc) perebutan: the ~ for survival, perjuangan utk hidup; the bitter power ~ between the two leaders left the party shattered, perebutan kuasa yg sungguh sengit antara dua orang pemimpin itu telah menghancurkan parti; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
instinct | n 1. natural tendency of person, animal to behave in particular way, naluri: an ~ for survival, naluri utk terus hidup; young mammals suckle by ~, anak mamalia menyusu mengikut naluri; paternal ~, naluri kebapaan; 2. inclination, rasa hati: my first ~ was to punch him on the nose, ikut rasa hati, saya hendak menumbuk hidungnya; ~ told him to run, ikut rasa hati, dia hendak lari; 3. natural, acquired talent or aptitude, intuition, gerak hati, intuisi: she knew, by ~, that it would not be the last time she would see him, drpd gerak hatinya, dia tahu bahawa itu bukanlah kali terakhir dia akan bertemu dgn lelaki tersebut; to rely on o’s ~, bergantung kpd gerak hati sso; have an ~ for (doing st) tahu saja: he seems to have an ~ for saying the right thing, dia nampaknya tahu saja apa yg sesuai utk dikatakannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fifty-fifty | adj (colloq) sama banyak; (of chance) lima puluh lima puluh: on a ~ basis, atas dasar sama banyak: he has a ~ chance of survival, peluangnya utk hidup lima puluh lima puluh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
desperate | adj 1. reckless, terdesak: a ~ killer, pembunuh yg terdesak; ~ attempts to free the captives, usaha-usaha yg terdesak utk membebaskan orang-orang tawanan; a ~ struggle for survival, perjuangan yg terdesak utk hidup; 2. undertaken as last resort, terakhir: ~ remedies for the industrial dispute, usaha terakhir utk menyelesaikan pertikaian industri itu; ~ measures, langkah-langkah terakhir; 3. suffering extreme anxiety, need, /betul-betul, benar-benar, sungguh-sungguh/ ingin: she is ~ to win, dia benar-benar ingin menang; ~ for st, /amat, sangat/ memerlukan sst: to be ~ for recognition, amat memerlukan penghargaan; 4. critical, beyond hope, genting: this ~ state of affairs is expected to continue, keadaan yg genting ini dijangka akan berterusan; his condition is ~, keadaannya genting; 5. showing, arising from despair, sangat, amat: the ~ look of hunger on his face, wajahnya yg menampakkan bahawa dia sangat lapar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
animal | adj 1. of, rel to or derived from animal, haiwan, binatang: ~ life, kehidupan haiwan; ~ community, masyarakat haiwan; ~ behaviour, kelakuan binatang; ~ fat, lemak binatang; ~ science, sains peternakan; 2. characteristic of animal, [various translations]: the ~ courage of the soldier, keberanian naluriah askar itu; he showed an ~ instinct for survival, dia menunjukkan naluri kebinatangan utk terus hidup; ~ spirits, keriangan; 3. sensual, bestial, kebinatangan: ~ desire, nafsu kebinatangan; his ~ behaviour repelled her, tabiat kebinatangannya membuat gadis itu meluat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
for | 7. in agreement with, bersetuju: I’m all ~ buying a car but then we haven’t got enough money, saya bersetuju sekali membeli kereta tetapi kita tdk mempunyai wang yg cukup; 8. on the side of, untuk: he plays hockey ~ Selangor, dia bermain hoki untuk Selangor; 9. in order to have, get, save, preserve, etc, untuk [v]; (money, points, etc) utk mendapatkan; (o’s country, faith, etc) demi, untuk: he did it ~ fun, dia melakukannya untuk bersuka-suka; to fight ~ survival, berjuang untuk terus hidup; she ran ~ her life, dia lari untuk menyelamatkan nyawanya; ~ further information, write to..., untuk mendapatkan maklumat selanjutnya, sila tulis kpd...; they fought ~ their country, mereka berjuang dan gugur demi negara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |