day school | n sekolah swasta tdk berasrama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
education | n pendidikan: he had a private ~, dia mendapat pendidikan di sekolah swasta; a high standard of ~, taraf pendidikan yg tinggi; free ~, pendidikan percuma; elementary ~, pendidikan rendah; adult ~, pendidikan dewasa; higher ~, pendidikan tinggi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
competitive | adj 1. of, rel to, based on competition, bersaing; (tech) bersaingan; (in sports) pertandingan: private colleges tend to be ~, kolej-kolej swasta cenderung bersaing; ~ prices, harga bersaingan; ~ market, pasaran bersaingan; ~ badminton, badminton pertandingan; 2. liking to compete, suka bersaing: she’s ~ by nature, memang perangainya suka bersaing. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
independent | 7. not depending on others, esp financially, /berdikari, tdk bergantung kpd sso/ (dr segi kewangan): she yearns to earn her own money and be ~, dia ingin bekerja dan tdk bergantung kpd sesiapa dr segi kewangan; to be financially ~, tdk bergantung kpd orang lain dr segi kewangan; of ~ means, berdikari, berpendapatan sendiri: a woman of ~ means, wanita yg berdikari; 8. that does not receive money from the government, swasta: an ~ radio station, stesen radio swasta; ~ schools, sekolah-sekolah swasta; 9. (math) tak bersandar: ~ variable, pemboleh ubah tak bersandar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hive | ~ off, keluar (dr + approp n); (of section, division of organization) dipisahkan (dr + approp n): he ~d off to form his own firm, dia keluar dr syarikat itu dan membentuk firmanya sendiri; the marketing division ~d off to form a new company, bahagian pemasaran dipisahkan dr badan induk utk membentuk syarikat baru; ~ off st, memisahkan sst (dr + approp n); (from public to private sector) memindahkan sst: to ~ off the national steel industry to the private sector, memindahkan industri keluli negara kpd sektor swasta. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enterprise | n 1. undertaking esp an adventurous or difficult one, usaha: his new ~ sounds even more risky than his last, usaha barunya nampaknya lebih berisiko drpd usahanya yg dahulu; 2. willingness to engage in such undertakings and to take risks, daya usaha: his father was a man of great ~, bapanya mempunyai daya usaha yg tinggi; 3. business firm, syarikat: this company today is one of the largest industrial ~s in Asia, hari ini, syarikat ini merupakan antara syarikat perindustrian yg terbesar di Asia; 4. business activity, perusahaan:private ~ is responsible for much of the country’s development, perusahaan swasta bertanggungjawap thdp kebanyakan pembangunan negara itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |