Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

gorgeousadj 1. (colloq) extremely good, superb, [various translations]: we had a ~ day at the beach, kami cukup seronok bermain-main di pantai tadi; it was a ~ meal, hidangan tadi sungguh sedap; ~ weather, cuaca yg indah; 2. very beautiful, splendid, sungguh cantik: those ~ models, peragawati-peragawati yg sungguh cantik; a ~ dress, baju yg sungguh cantik.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
freshenvt 1. make fresh, menyegarkan: that thunderstorm just now has really ~ed the air, ribut petir sebentar tadi telah betul-betul menyegarkan udara; 2. add to (drink) menambah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dopeyadj 1. (colloq) groggy, mamai: he’s feeling ~ because he slept late last night, dia berasa mamai krn tidur lewat malam tadi; 2. (sl) bodoh.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
entertainvt 1. receive as guest, meraikan: he ~ed some friends to dinner last night, dia meraikan beberapa orang kawan dgn membawa mereka makan malam tadi; 2. amuse, (act.) menghibur; (pass.) terhibur: they hired a magician to ~ the children, mereka mengupah ahli silap mata utk menghibur kanak-kanak itu; we were greatly ~ed by his performance, kami benar-benar terhibur dgn persembahannya; 3. consider, melayani:he would not ~ such a proposal, dia tdk akan melayani usul demikian;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
buggern 1. (UK), (colloq & taboo), (applied to people) a. (showing contempt or anger) bodoh, babi: you stupid ~! You almost killed me!, bodoh! Saya hampir mati tadi!; that ~! He’s ruined my chances!, babi betul dia! Habis peluang aku!; b. (showing sympathy) dia: the poor ~ didn’t know who to turn to, kasihan dia. Dia tdk tahu kpd siapa hendak mengadu; c. (said in jocular and friendly raillery), [various translations, sometimes not translated]: the cheeky little ~ ate my sandwich, budak nakal tu makan sandwic saya; you lucky ~!, untung betul kamu!; come on, old ~!, Let’s get you home, marilah! Kami hantar kamu pulang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
jovialadj 1. (of mood, manner, greeting, etc) riang; 2. (of person) riang, girang; (by nature) periang, riang, girang: he seems ~ this morning, dia nampak riang pagi tadi; a big, ~ man, lelaki yg berbadan besar dan periang.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
chiefn 1. head (of tribe) ketua: the ~ of a tribe, ketua suku bangsa; 2. (colloq) boss, bos: the ~ asked for you just now, bos mencari kamu tadi; in ~, a. supreme, tertinggi: Commander-in-C~, Panglima Tertinggi; Colonel-in-C~, Kolonel Yg Dipertua; b. especially, terutamanya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fine1b. visually appealing, indah, sangat cantik; (of animal) cantik: some of the ~st views in Malaysia are to be found in Sabah, sesetengah pemandangan yg paling indah di Malaysia terdapat di Sabah; that’s a ~ black stallion I just saw in your field, tadi saya nampak seekor kuda jantan hitam yg cantik di padang kamu; 2. (delicate in texture, structure, etc) halus; (delicately made) halus buatannya: she has ~ skin, kulitnya halus; ~ features, raut muka yg halus; ~ silk, sutera yg halus; ~ porcelain bowls, mangkuk tembikar yg halus buatannya; 3. very thin, slender, halus: ~ thread, benang yg halus; she could not read the instructions because the print was too ~, dia tdk dapat membaca arahan itu krn hurufnya terlalu halus;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
jogvt 1. shake with a jerk, menggoyangkan, menggoyang-goyangkan: he ~ged the reins and spurred his horse on, dia menggoyang-goyangkan tali kekang dan memacu kudanya; 2. nudge, menyiku, menyigung: I saw you ~ her elbow just now, saya nampak kamu menyikunya tadi; ~ so. with o’s elbow, /menyiku, menyigung/ sso;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
last 1 2. coming immediately before the present, lalu, lepas: ~ Saturday morning, pagi Sabtu yg lalu; on Monday ~, hari Isnin yg lepas; this day ~ year, hari ini pd tahun lalu; I’ve been very busy the ~ few weeks, saya begitu sibuk beberapa minggu yg lalu; ~ /evening, night/, /petang, malam/ tadi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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