goodness | ~ knows, (colloq) Tuhan sahaja yg tahu, hanya Tuhan yg tahu: ~ knows how long it will take to finish this job, Tuhan sahaja yg tahu berapa lamakah kerja ini akan selesai; for ~ sake, demi Tuhan; /hope, wish, etc/ to ~ (that), berharap /benar, betul/: I wish to ~ that he’d stop it, saya berharap benar dia menghentikannya; My ~, G~ me, masya-Allah, ya Tuhan; thank ~, syukurlah: thank ~ she was not hurt, syukurlah dia tdk apa-apa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
find | ~ st out, a. discover st, mendapat tahu (ttg) sst, mendapat tahu + clause; (through effort) mendapatkan + approp n, mendapatkan maklumat (ttg) + clause: how did you ~ out my name?, bagaimanakah encik mendapat tahu nama saya?; Mother got very angry when she found out that Father had been having an affair, ibu menjadi berang apabila mendapat tahu bahawa bapa telah mengadakan hubungan sulit; b. acquire information about, mendapatkan [n], mendapatkan maklumat ttg [clause]: we should ~ out the views of the villagers before we build the new airport, kita seharusnya mendapatkan pandangan orang-orang kampung sebelum membina lapangan terbang baru itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
know | vi tahu: he ~s about it, dia tahu ttg perkara itu; I’m not guessing, I ~, saya bukan meneka, saya tahu; you ~ best, kamu lebih tahu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
curiosity | n 1. eagerness to learn, sifat ingin tahu; (derog), (sikap) suka ambil tahu: children have a natural ~ about the human body, kanak-kanak mempunyai sifat ingin tahu yg semula jadi ttg tubuh badan manusia; your ~ may lead you into trouble, sikap suka ambil tahu kamu itu nanti akan menyusahkan kamu; be burning with ~, ingin tahu sangat: we were burning with ~ as to what was being said in the next room, kami ingin tahu sangat ttg apa yg diperkatakan di bilik sebelah; 2. so. or st strange, keanehan, keganjilan: a veiled woman would be a ~ in that country, wanita yg memakai purdah merupakan suatu keanehan di negara itu; that old wing chair is quite a ~, kerusi lama yg bersayap itu merupakan suatu keanehan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appreciation | 4. enjoyment, tahu menikmati; (work of art, music, etc) penikmatan, penghayatan, tahu /menikmati, menghayati/: known for his ~ of good food, dia dikenali sbg orang yg tahu menikmati makanan yg sedap-sedap; to have no ~ of modern art, tdk tahu menikmati seni lukis moden; 5. increase (in value) kenaikan (nilai): an ~ in the value of gold, kenaikan nilai emas; 6. review of book, play etc, ulasan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
know | ~ about, tahu ttg, mengetahui: he didn’t ~ about it, dia tdk tahu ttg perkara itu; I don’t ~ about + adj, approp adj + atau tdk, saya tdk tahu: "Normah’s very rich, isn’t she?" "I don’t know about rich, but she certainly spe | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interested | 3. having curiosity aroused, ingin tahu (apa yg sedang berlaku): they were surrounded by ~ spectators while they argued, mereka dikelilingi beberapa pemerhati yg ingin tahu apa yg sedang berlaku semasa mereka bertengkar; 4. concerned, ingin tahu: I’m ~ to know how much you’ve spent, saya ingin tahu berapa banyak yg telah kamu belanjakan; we shall be ~ to hear the results, kami ingin tahu keputusannya; 5. be personally concerned so as to be partial, berkepentingan: ~ parties, pihak-pihak yg berkepentingan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ignorant | adj 1. uneducated, unenlightened, jahil, tdk tahu: he is only an ~ peasant, dia hanya orang kampung yg jahil; 2. unaware, not nowing, tdk tahu: he was ~ of the customs of the country, dia tdk tahu adat resam negeri itu; to be ~ of the true facts, tdk tahu akan fakta sebenar; she was ~ of her husband’s whereabouts, perempuan itu tdk tahu di mana suaminya berada; 3. showing ignorance, jahil: an ~ question, soalan yg jahil. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ignorance | n 1. lack of knowledge, kejahilan, tdk tahu: his ~ of the basic facts, kejahilannya ttg perkara-perkara asas; 2. unawareness, tdk tahu: his remarks show his ~, kata-katanya menunjukkan bahawa dia tdk tahu; he kept his family in ~ of the situation, dia sengaja membiarkan keluarganya tdk tahu akan keadaan sebenar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inquisitive | adj 1. fond of finding out esp about other people, bersikap ingin tahu: she is always ~ about other people’s affairs, dia selalu bersikap ingin tahu ttg hal orang lain; 2. showing such a tendency, ingin tahu: she cast him an ~ look, dia melemparkan pandangan ingin tahu kpd lelaki itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |