chain-stitch | n jahit /kiasangkut, rantai/; (in crochet) kait tali air. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
benefit | vt /memberi, mendatangkan/ /faedah, manfaat/ kpd, menguntungkan: the irrigation project will ~ the farmers, projek tali air itu akan mendatangkan faedah kpd petani; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
irrigation | n supplying of water by means of pipes, canals, etc, pengairan: ~ will improve the yield of the land, pengairan akan menambah hasil tanaman; ~ canal, terusan pengair, tali air; be under ~, diairi: the northern fields are under ~, ladang di sebelah utara diairi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drain | 4. dry (land etc) mengeringkan: a system of canals to ~ the marshes, sistem tali air utk mengeringkan paya itu; 5. (of river) menyalirkan air di: the river ~s the whole area, sungai itu menyalirkan air di seluruh kawasan itu; 6. drink up, menghabiskan: he ~ed the glass, dia menghabiskan minumannya; 7. exhaust, consume, (act.) menyusutkan; (pass.) menjadi susut: the country’s resources were ~ed by years of war, sumber kekayaan negara itu menjadi susut akibat peperangan yg berlarutan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
canal | n 1. artificial waterway, a. (for navigation) terusan: the Panama C~, Terusan Panama; the Suez C~, Terusan Suez; b. (for irrigation, water-power, etc) tali air; 2. (anat) saluran: the alimentary ~, saluran makanan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
check | ~ on, memeriksa: the air hostess is ~ing on the passengers’ safety belts, pramugari itu sedang memeriksa tali pinggang keledar para penumpang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inflate | vt 1. fill with air or gas, mengembungkan, menggembungkan, menggelembungkan; (with the use of a pump) mengepam; (by blowing) meniup: pull this cord to ~ the life-jacket, tarik tali ini utk mengembungkan jaket keselamatan; to ~ a tyre, mengepam tayar; to ~ a balloon, meniup belon; 2. (econ) raise (prices) menaikkan: this wage rise will only ~ prices further, kenaikan gaji ini hanya akan menaikkan harga barang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foul | vt 1. also ~ up, make filthy, mengotori; (air) mencemari, mengotori: birds had ~ed the statue, burung-burung telah mengotori patung itu; exhaust fumes and industrial waste ~ed the air in our cities, asap ekzos dan bahan buangan industri mencemari udara di bandar kita; 2. tangle with, terbelit pd: the rope ~ed the anchor chain, tali itu terbelit pd rantai sauh; 3. (sport) melakukan faul thdp [sso]; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fray2 | vi 1. (of rope, cloth) become worn, berbulu, berselumu: the rope ~ed where it rubbed against the rock, tali itu berbulu di tempat yg bergesel dgn batu; his shirt ~ed at the collar, kemejanya berbulu di kolar; double seams will prevent the edges ~ing, kelim dua kali akan menghalang bahagian tepi kain drpd berbulu; 2. become strained, menegang: his temper ~ed during the continuous air raids, perasaannya menegang semasa serangan udara yg bertubi-tubi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |