attraction | n 1. action, power of attracting, tarikan: magnetic ~, tarikan magnet; the ~ of gravity, tarikan graviti; the old house held a powerful ~ for him, rumah lama itu mempunyai tarikan yg kuat baginya; he cannot resist the ~ of a pretty girl, dia tdk dapat melawan tarikan gadis yg cantik; 2. (usu in pl) personal charm, daya /penarik, tarikan/: her ~s were numerous, daya penariknya berbagai-bagai; 3. st that attracts, tarikan, (approp n +) menarik: the ~s of a big city, tarikan bandar raya besar; perhaps her greatest ~ was her lovely smile, barangkali yg paling menarik ttg dirinya ialah senyumannya yg manis; 4. so. that attracts, arikan: the newly crowned Miss Universe was the main ~ at the ball, Ratu Dunia yg baru dimahkotai merupakan tarikan utama di majlis tari-menari itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glamour, (US) glamor | n 1. the often illusory excitement and attraction of st, daya tarikan, glamor: the ~ of Hollywood, daya tarikan Hollywood; there is no ~ in nursing, tdk ada glamor dlm bidang kejururawatan; 2. alluring beauty, charm, daya tarikan, glamor; (attrib), (dated) penuh /glamor, daya tarikan/: a woman with ~, wanita yg mempunyai daya tarikan; a ~ boy, pemuda yg penuh glamor. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
allurement | n 1. st that allures, tarikan: the ~ of city life, tarikan kehidupan kota; 2. charm, daya /penarik, tarikan/: her ~ is in her style, daya tarikannya terletak pd gayanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enticement | n 1. act of enticing, penarikan, ditarik; 2. st that entices, tarikan: the big city offers many ~s, kota besar itu menawarkan tarikan yg banyak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
charm | n 1. magical formula, act, jampi, mantera, sihir; work like a ~, betul-betul berhasil: his gentle persuasion worked like a ~, pujukannya yg lembut itu betul-betul berhasil; 2. thing worn to avert evil, tangkal; 3. attractiveness, daya tarikan: the ~ of Mozart’s music, daya tarikan muzik Mozart; a woman of great ~, wanita yg mempunyai daya tarikan yg hebat; 4. (in pl) sexual attractiveness, daya tarikan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
charmer | n 1. attractive person, orang yg mempunyai daya tarikan; 2. see SNAKE-CHARMER. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
draw | n 1. picking out by chance, cabutan; (lottery) cabutan loteri: he was lucky in the first ~, dia bertuah dlm cabutan yg pertama; a lucky ~, cabutan nombor bertuah; when will the ~ take place?, bilakah cabutan loteri itu akan diadakan?; 2. tie, seri: the match ended in a ~, pertandingan itu berakhir dgn seri; 3. person, thing that attracts, tarikan: the well-known actress was a ~ at the concert, seniwati terkenal itu merupakan satu tarikan di konsert tersebut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accelerate | vt 1. increase the speed of, memecutkan, melajukan; 2. increase the velocity of, mempercepat, melajukan, memecutkan: the pull of gravity ~s the falling of a body, tarikan graviti mempercepat jatuhnya jisim; 3. expedite, hasten, mempercepat, mencepatkan, memesatkan: hormones that ~ plant growth, hormon yg mempercepat pertumbuhan tanaman; to ~ the passage of a bill, mempercepat kelulusan rang undang-undang; events which ~d the fall of the socialist government, peristiwa-peristiwa yg mempercepat kejatuhan kerajaan sosialis itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
box-office | n 1. tempat tiket; 2. (fig.) box-office, [ no specif translation]: the film will be good ~, filem itu akan menjadi box-office; she’s a hot ~ attraction, dia merupakan tarikan yg boleh melariskan jualan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
founder2 | vi 1. (of ship) fill with water and sink, karam: the vessel ~ed in the heavy seas, kapal itu karam di laut yg bergelora; 2. fail, gagal; (of relationship) hancur: the project ~ed for lack of funds, projek itu gagal akibat kekurangan wang; it seemed the sexual chemistry ran out and the marriage ~ed after six years, nampaknya tarikan seks telah mati dan perkahwinan itu hancur selepas enam tahun; 3. (of horse) fall, rebah: his exhausted horse ~ed and threw him, kudanya yg letih itu rebah dan dia terpelanting. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |