grammar | n 1. (study, use or knowledge of) rules of a language, tatabahasa, nahu: Latin ~, tatabahasa bahasa Latin; they begin learning ~ in elementary school, mereka mula mempelajari tatabahasa sejak sekolah rendah; his ideas are good but his ~ is poor, gagasan-gagasannya baik tetapi tatabahasanya lemah; 2. book containing an account of this, buku /tatabahasa, nahu/: we’re working on a Malay ~, kami sedang mengusahakan buku tatabahasa Melayu; 3. theory of rules of language, tatabahasa: case ~, tatabahasa kasus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grammatical | adj 1. of, concerning grammar, tatabahasa, nahu: ~ structure, struktur tatabahasa; ~ analysis, analisis tatabahasa; 2. corresponding to rules of a language, gramatis: his essay wasn’t very ~, eseinya tdk berapa gramatis. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grammatically | adv dr segi /tatabahasa, nahu/: although ~ correct, the sentence is rather stilted, walaupun betul dr segi tatabahasa, ayat itu agak canggung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grammarian | n ahli /tatabahasa, nahu/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
generative | adj (fml) generatif: ~ grammar, tatabahasa generatif; ~ cell, sel generatif. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
descriptive | adj deskriptif: ~ passages, petikan-petikan deskriptif; ~ grammar, tatabahasa deskriptif; a ~ writer, penulis deskriptif. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
au fait | adj maklum: I’m not ~ with the latest developments in generative grammar, saya belum maklum akan perkembangan terakhir ttg tatabahasa generatif; /make, put/ so. ~ with (st), memberitahu sso ttg (sst). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
broad | 6. general, umum: in its ~est sense..., dlm pengertiannya yg paling umum...; a ~ rule of grammar, peraturan tatabahasa yg umum; a ~ distinction, perbezaan yg umum; 7. main, essential, umum: the ~ facts are as follows,<.i> fakta yg umum adalah spt yg berikut; 8. plain, clear, jelas, nyata: a ~ hint, sindiran yg jelas; 9. outspoken, terus terang: a ~ manner, caranya yg terus terang; 10. coarse, indelicate, kurang senonoh: ~ jokes, jenaka yg kurang senonoh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
elementary | adj 1. introductory, permulaan: some ~ exercises for the piano, latihan-latihan permulaan utk belajar bermain piano; ~ grammar, tatabahasa permulaan; 2. fundamental, asas: ~ knowledge, pengetahuan asas; 3. simple, mudah: this question is very ~, soalan ini mudah sekali; 4. (math) permulaan: ~ function, fungsi permulaan; 5. seeELEMENTAL (sense 2.); 6. see ELEMENTAL (sense 3.); 7. of,pertaining to elementary school, sekolah rendah: ~ teachers, guru sekolah rendah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fundamental | adj 1. basic, asas, dasar: this principle was ~ to all his beliefs, prinsip ini merupakan asas kpd semua kepercayaannya; the ~ rules governing grammar, peraturan-peraturan asas yg menguasai tatabahasa; there is a ~ difference between the two schools of thought, ada perbezaan asas antara dua aliran pemikiran itu; 2. most important, utama: the ~ question happens to be a political one, persoalan utama kebetulannya persoalan politik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |