bank2 | n 1. edge, tebing: the ~ of a river, tebing sungai; 2. raised shelf, tambak; (as in rice-fields) permatang; 3. sandbank, shoal, beting; 4. mass, a. (of snow, earth, etc) timbunan; b. (of clouds) gumpalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
corniche | n also corniche road, jalan tebing. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dash | the ~ of waves against the cliff, deburan ombak memukul tebing tinggi; b. (of rain) desar, derauan: the ~ of rain on the roof, desar hujan di atas bumbung; 5. panache, style, penuh gaya: he rode with ~, dia menunggang kuda dgn penuh gaya; 6. (punctuation mark), (tanda) sengkang; 7. quick stroke of pen, brush, coretan; 8. (in Morse Code) sengkang; 9. short race, lumba lari (jarak dekat): a 100 metre ~, lumba lari jarak dekat 100 meter; 10. (US), (colloq) see DASHBOARD; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beetle3 | vi menganjur: the cliffs that ~d over the sea, tebing tinggi yg menganjur ke laut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blast | vt 1. blow up, meletupkan: they ~ed the cliff, mereka meletupkan tebing tinggi itu; 2. open up, make by blasting, membuat [sst] secara peletupan: to ~ a hole in the wall, membuat lubang di dinding secara peletupan; 3. ruin, shatter, (act.) menghancurkan; (pass.) hancur: failure in the exam ~ed his hopes, kegagalan dlm peperiksaan menghancurkan harapannya; 4. shrivel, wither, melayukan, menyebabkan [sst] layu: frost has ~ed the blossoms, fros telah melayukan bunga-bunga itu; 5. criticize severely, mengecam, membidas: he ~ed his political opponents, dia mengecam penentang-penentang politiknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hang | ~ by, tergantung-gantung pd: he was discovered along the cliff ~ing by a thick rope, dia dijumpai di tepi tebing tergantung-gantung pd tali yg tebal; ~ by a /hair, (single) thread/, seolah-olah bergantung pd sehelai rambut: his life hung by a hair, nyawanya seolah-olah bergantung pd sehelai rambut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
erode | vt 1. also ~ away, wear away, menghakis; (metal) memakan: water has ~d the river banks, air menghakis tebing sungai itu; metals are ~d by acid, logam dimakan asid; 2. cause to deteriorate, (act.) menghakis; (pass.) terhakis: the power of the monarchy has steadily been ~d, kuasa monarki perlahan-lahan terhakis. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hurtle | vi 1. usu ~ down, fall, rush headlong, meluru jatuh: the rocks ~d down the cliff, batu-batan meluru jatuh di tebing tinggi itu; 2. usu ~ along, travel rapidly, meluru: the motorcycle ~d along at 70 kmph, motosikal itu meluru dgn kelajuan 70 kmsj. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intumescence | vt (usu pass.) 1. flood, (act.) membanjiri; (pass.) dilanda banjir: the river burst its banks and ~d the town, tebing sungai itu rebak dan airnya membanjiri bandar tersebut; the lower valley was ~d after ten hours of continuous rain, kawasan rendah lembah tersebut dilanda banjir selepas hujan turun tdk henti-henti selama sepuluh jam; 2. swamp, overwhelm, membanjiri, menghujani: the office was ~d with enquiries, pejabat itu dibanjiri pertanyaan; to be ~d with congratulatory messages, dihujani surat ucapan tahniah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
entrench | vt 1.> ( usu pass. ) surround with trench, berkubu: the troops were safely ~ed on both sides of the river, askar-askar itu selamat berkubu di kedua-dua tebing sungai; 2. ( usu pass. ) establish (oneself) firmly, ( act .) mengukuhkan kedudukan; ( pass. ) kukuh dlm kedudukan sso: he is well ~ed, but feels he should be given a much greater say in the management of the business, dia begitu kukuh dlm kedudukannya, tetapi merasakan bahawa dia seharusnya diberikan lebih hak suara dlm urusan perniagaan itu; be ~ed in o’s /views, ideas, etc/ , /pendapat, gagasan dsb/ sso sudah /berurat berakar, berakar berumbi/ dlm diri sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |