drag | ~ up, (colloq) rake up, mengungkit: it’s no use ~ging up old quarrels, tak guna mengungkit perkelahian yg telah lalu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dozen | n 1. group of twelve, dozen: a ~ handkerchiefs, satu dozen sapu tangan; 2. a large number, banyak: I’ve passed this road a ~ times but I didn’t notice the signboard, saya telah lalu di jalan ini banyak kali tetapi saya tdk perasan papan tanda itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | ~ across, a. cross, melintas; (body of water) menyeberang: the traffic has all passed, can I ~ across now?, semua lalu lintas telah berlalu, bolehkah saya melintas sekarang?; b. be understood, difahami: did her message ~ across?, adakah apa yg hendak disampaikannya difahami?; c. find, meet by chance, terjumpa: I came across the document while looking for my birth certificate, saya terjumpa dokumen itu semasa mencari surat beranak saya; we came across the boys stealing mangosteens in the orchard, kami terjumpa budak-budak itu sedang mencuri manggis di dusun; d. arise in (so’s mind) terlintas: it didn’t ~ across my mind at all, perkara itu sama sekali tdk terlintas di kepala saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extinct | adj 1. no longer existing, pupus: over the millennia several species of animals have become ~, dlm kurun-kurun yg lalu, beberapa spesies haiwan telah pupus; this tradition, unless something is done about it, may soon become ~, tradisi ini, kecuali sesuatu tindakan diambil, mungkin pupus tdk lama lagi; 2. (of volcano) no longer active, mati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fade | b. also ~ away (of hope) menjadi tipis: their hopes of finding any survivors ~d when evening came, harapan mereka utk mencari orang-orang yg masih hidup menjadi tipis apabila malam tiba; c. (of beauty, glory) menjadi /pudar, luntur/; 5. also ~ away, become gradually eliminated, beransur /hilang, luput, lenyap/: all memory of the past has ~d from his mind, semua ingatan masa lalu telah beransur hilang dr fikirannya; the old customs are ~ing away, adat-adat lama beransur luput; 6. also ~ away, disappear from sight, semakin /hilang, lenyap/ (dr pandangan): the hills ~d from view, bukit-bukau itu semakin hilang dr pandangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
generation | five ~s of my family have lived in this house, lima keturunan keluarga saya telah tinggal di rumah ini; the secret recipe was handed down from ~ to ~, resipi rahsia itu telah diturunkan dr satu generasi ke satu generasi; 4. period of time it takes for children to grow into adults and have children of their own, generasi: a ~ ago computer technology was quite unknown, satu generasi yg lalu teknologi komputer tdk diketahui ramai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
denigrate | vt belittle, merendahkan (+ approp n), memburuk-burukkan: history books were rewritten to ~ past leaders, buku-buku sejarah telah ditulis semula utk merendahkan kebolehan pemimpin-pemimpin yg lalu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
labour | ~ under, struggle against, bergelut dgn: the government has been ~ing under recession for the past few years, kerajaan telah bergelut dgn kemelesetan utk beberapa tahun yg lalu; ~ under a /delusion, misapprehension, etc/, salah anggap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
draw | ~ back, move backwards, berundur: curious onlookers drew back to let the policeman through, orang ramai yg ingin tahu apa yg telah berlaku berundur supaya pegawai polis itu dapat lalu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
govern | vt 1. exercise authority over, rule, memerintah: the Labour Party has ~ed the country for the past four years, Parti Buruh telah memerintah negara itu sejak empat tahun yg lalu; 2. direct affairs of, administer, mentadbirkan: the company is ~ed by a Board of Directors, syarikat itu ditadbirkan oleh Lembaga Pengarah; 3. (influence decisively) menguasai; (control) mengawal: his actions are ~ed by public opinion, tindak-tanduknya dikuasai oleh pendapat umum; laws that ~ the killing of endangered species, undang-undang yg mengawal pembunuhan spesies yg terancam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |