antic | n (usu in pl) telatah: the clown’s ~s amused the children, telatah badut menggelikan hati kanak-kanak itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
greatly | adv amat, sangat, sungguh: he was ~ amused by the orang-utan’s antics, dia berasa amat geli hati dgn telatah orang hutan itu; the new product is ~ inferior to the old one, barangan yg baru itu sangat rendah mutunya berbanding dgn yg lama; it is ~ regretted that such an occurrence has taken place, adalah amat dikesali kejadian begini telah berlaku. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
laugh | ~ at, a. be amused, ketawa + approp v: the children ~ed at the clown’s antics, kanak-kanak itu ketawa melihat telatah badut; b. ridicule, mentertawakan: he was ~ed at when he first put forward the theory, dia ditertawakan sewaktu pertama kali mengemukakan teori itu; c. disregard, tdk /mengendahkan, menghiraukan, mempedulikan/: some of the old superstitions were ~ed at by the younger generation, sesetengah kepercayaan karut yg wujud sejak dulu lagi tdk diendahkan oleh generasi muda; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
imitate | vt 1. follow as model, example, meniru, mencontoh: the boy tries to ~ his elder brother in every way, budak itu mencuba meniru kelakuan abangnya dlm segala hal; 2. mimic, mengajuk: comedians who ~ prominent people to amuse their audiences, pelawak-pelawak yg mengajuk telatah orang-orang terkenal utk menghiburkan hati para penonton; the bird can ~ a dog’s bark, burung itu dapat mengajuk salakan anjing; 3. produce, make a likeness of, meniru: his style is difficult to ~, gaya penulisannya sukar ditiru; 4. resemble, be like (in appearance) menyerupai, kelihatan spt: the plastic is grained to ~ wood, plastik itu dikira supaya menyerupai kayu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |