closed-circuit television | n televisyen litar tutup. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
harmful | adj mendatangkan keburukan; (to person’s health in general) berbahaya, memudaratkan: television can be a ~ influence, televisyen boleh menjadi pengaruh yg mendatangkan keburukan; smoking is ~, merokok adalah berbahaya; be ~ to st, merosakkan sst: this substance is ~ to the skin, bahan ini merosakkan kulit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
countdown | n pengiraan detik pelancaran: the ~ of the Apollo10 was televised, pengiraan detik pelancaran Apollo 10 telah disiarkan di televisyen. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cabinet | n 1. cupboard, kabinet, almari; 2. console, kabinet: television ~, kabinet peti televisyen; 3. (often C~) kabinet: C~ minister, menteri kabinet. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gumption | n (colloq) 1. common sense, akal: when the television started smoking the young boy had the ~ to switch off the electricity, apabila televisyen itu mula berasap budak itu ada akal utk menutup suis; 2. courage, daring, initiative, keberanian: it takes a lot of ~ to move to a new country and start afresh, berhijrah ke negara lain dan memulakan penghidupan baru memerlukan keberanian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glue | ~ to; be ~d to, a. be fixed focused on, terpaku: the children’s eyes were ~d to the television all day, mata budak-budak itu terpaku pd televisyen sepanjang hari; b. be continually close to, melekap, melekat, tdk /lekang, berenggang/ drpd: the little boy was ~d to his mother’s side during the ceremony, budak kecil itu asyik melekap pd ibunya semasa upacara tersebut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
instrument | 4. person, thing, by means of which st is done, means, alat: he was a mere ~ of the gangland boss, dia hanya menjadi alat ketua penjahat itu; television could be a vital ~ in educating the young, televisyen mungkin merupakan alat penting dlm pendidikan kanak-kanak; 5. important agency or factor, /faktor, penyebab/ utama: she was the ~ of his downfall, wanita itulah yg menjadi faktor utama kejatuhannya; 6. (leg.) surat cara: ~ of office, surat cara pelantikan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drama | n 1. play, drama, lakon; 2. (as a branch of literature) drama; 3. series of exciting events, drama: the television cameras recorded the ~ of the shoot-out, kamera televisyen merakamkan drama tembak-menembak itu; her life has been full of ~, hidupnya penuh dgn drama; 4. the art or work connected with the writing and production of plays, (seni) drama: ~ school, sekolah drama; a ~ student, penuntut seni drama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
household | n 1. people living together in a house, rumah; (as a family) keluarga: the entire ~ is expected to come, seisi rumah dijangka akan hadir; only 10% of ~s own a television, hanya 10% rumah mempunyai televisyen; head of the ~, ketua keluarga; a large ~, keluarga yg besar; 2. domestic establishment, rumah tangga: to run a ~, mengurus rumah tangga; ~ affairs, hal-hal rumah tangga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
entertain | vi 1. have guests, meraikan (te)tamu: they prefer to ~ at home, mereka lebih suka meraikan tetamu di rumah; 2. amuse, menghibur: educational television programmes intended to inform as well as ~, rancangan pendidikan di televisyen yg bertujuan memberikan maklumat dan menghibur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |