displacement | n 1. act of, a. (removing from usual place) pengalihan, pemindahan, pengubahan tempat; b. (expelling from home, homeland) perpindahan yg terpaksa: the ~ of the population after the war, perpindahan penduduk yg terpaksa selepas peperangan; c. (replacing) penggantian: the ~ of human labour by machinery, penggantian tenaga manusia dgn mesin; 2. amount of fluid displaced, sesaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
consumption | n 1. act of consuming penggunaan: the ~ of o’s energy, penggunaan tenaga sso; the ~ of rice in the Klang Valley, penggunaan beras di Lembah Klang; not fit for human ~, tdk sesuai dimakan (oleh manusia); 2. amount consumed, penggunaan: ~ should not exceed production, penggunaan tdk sepatutnya melebihi pengeluaran; 3. (old use) tuberculosis of the lungs, (penyakit) batuk kering. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |