arch1 | vi melengkung; ( of eyebrows) terangkat: the bridge ~ed over the gorge, jambatan itu melengkung merentangi gaung; his eyebrows ~ed upwards questioningly, keningnya terangkat krn tertanya-tanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pop 1 | ~ up, (colloq) a. (of toast) terangkat: when the toast ~s up, will you butter it for me?, apabila roti bakar itu terangkat, bolehkah kamu menyapukan mentega padanya utk saya?; b. arise, crop up, muncul dgn tiba-tiba: I hadn’t heard of him for years until he ~ped up in the magazine I happened to be reading, sudah bertahun-tahun saya tdk mendengar khabar tentangnya hinggalah dia muncul dgn tiba-tiba dlm majalah yg kebetulan sedang saya baca; a good idea has just ~ped up, gagasan yg baik muncul dgn tiba-tiba. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
uplifted | adj raised, (of face, head) terdongak; (of arms, hands) terangkat: they stood with ~ heads marvelling at the sight, mereka berdiri dgn kepala mereka terdongak, kagum dgn apa yg mereka lihat; the soldiers stood with ~ hands saluting their leader, askar-askar itu berdiri dgn tangan mereka terangkat menabik ketua mereka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lift | 4. (of a certain mood) disappear, hilang: his depression has ~ed and he is himself again, kemurungannya sudah hilang dan dia kembali spt sediakala; 5. (of floor) terangkat: the wooden platform ~ed when the cannon was fired, pelantar papan itu terangkat apabila tembakan dilepaskan drpd meriam tersebut; 6. feel happy, elated, riang: her heart ~ed at the good news, hatinya riang mendengar berita baik itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lift | 4. (of a certain mood) disappear, hilang: his depression has ~ed and he is himself again, kemurungannya sudah hilang dan dia kembali spt sediakala; 5. (of floor) terangkat: the wooden platform ~ed when the cannon was fired, pelantar papan itu terangkat apabila tembakan dilepaskan drpd meriam tersebut; 6. feel happy, elated, riang: her heart ~ed at the good news, hatinya riang mendengar berita baik itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stay 1 | the soup boiled so furiously that the lid wouldn’t ~ on, sup itu menggelegak dgn kuat menyebabkan tudung periuk itu terangkat-angkat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stay 1 | ~ on, a. remain in position on top of st, tdk jatuh; (hat) duduk tetap; (lid, cover, etc) terangkat-angkat: the boxes won’t ~ on if the jeep goes too fast on this rough road, kotak-kotak itu akan jatuh jika jip tersebut dipandu dgn laju di jalan yg lekak-lekuk ini; her hat would not ~ on properly, topinya tdk duduk tetap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arched | adj 1. consisting of, formed into arch (es), lengkung; (of window) gerbang, lengkung: an ~ doorway, pintu lengkung; an ~ ceiling, siling lengkung; 2. furnished with arch(es), bergerbang: an ~ cloister, serambi gereja yg bergerbang; 3. curved, a. (of nose) bengkok; b. (of eyebrows) melengkung; (purposely) terangkat; c. (of body, back, foot, instep) melengkung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arch2 | adj 1. consisting of, formed into arch (es), lengkung; (of window) gerbang, lengkung: an ~ doorway, pintu lengkung; an ~ ceiling, siling lengkung; 2. furnished with arch(es), bergerbang: an ~ cloister, serambi gereja yg bergerbang; 3. curved, a. (of nose) bengkok; b. (of eyebrows) melengkung; (purposely) terangkat; c. (of body, back, foot, instep) melengkung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |