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Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[te.ra.pung.ra.pung]/ | تراڤوڠ -اڤوڠ

Definisi : terkatung-katung: darah yg ~ di atas air; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata terapung-apung

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

afloatadj & adv 1. floating, terapung(-apung): there was something ~ in the middle of the lake, ada sst yg terapung-apung di tasik itu; the balloon was ~ all afternoon, belon itu terapung-apung sepanjang petang; 2. at sea, di laut: he spent many years ~, bertahun-tahun dia di laut; life ~, kehidupan seorang pelaut; 3. flooded, /digenangi, dibanjiri/ air: the decks were ~ after the storm, geladak itu digenangi air selepas ribut; 4. adrift, (fig.) terapung-apung: to be ~ in a sea of indecision, terapung-apung krn tdk dapat membuat keputusan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
adriftadj & adv 1. terapung-apung: they were ~ for seven days in the Pacific, mereka terapung-apung selama tujuh hari di Lautan Pasifik; 2. (fig.) hanyut: to be ~ on a sea of trouble, hanyut dlm arus kesusahan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bottom~ up, dlm keadaan telungkup: the boat was floating ~ up, bot itu terapung-apung dlm keadaan telungkup; at ~, sebenarnya: at ~, he is a kind man, sebenarnya dia baik hati; bet o’s ~ dollar, (sl) berani bertaruh habis-habisan; from the ~ of o’s heart, dr /lubuk hati, hati sanubari/ sso; knock the ~ out of st, membuktikan kepalsuan sst; start at the ~ (of the ladder), bermula dr bawah; touch ~, a. /mencecah, menjejak/ dasar /laut, sungai, dll/; b. (fig.) jatuh ke lembah /penderitaan, kemiskinan, dll/;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
facebring ~ to ~, menyemukakan, mempertemukan: the two parties were brought ~ to ~ to settle their differences, kedua-dua pihak disemukakan utk menyelesaikan perselisihan mereka; /come, be/ ~ to ~ (with so.) bersua, bertemu muka (dgn sso): he came ~ to ~ with his ex-fiancée at the party, dia bersua dgn bekas tunangnya di majlis itu; fall on o’s ~, jatuh /tertiarap, tersungkur, tersembam, tertumus/; float ~ down, terapung-apung /menelungkup, menelangkup/: the corpse was floating ~ down in the water, mayat itu terapung-apung menelungkup di dlm air; float ~ up, terapung-apung menelentang: she was floating ~ up in the swimming pool, dia terapung-apung menelentang di dlm kolam renang itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
faceturn /so., st/ ~ up, menelentangkan /sso, sst/. bring ~ to ~, menyemukakan, mempertemukan: the two parties were brought ~ to ~ to settle their differences, kedua-dua pihak disemukakan utk menyelesaikan perselisihan mereka; /come, be/ ~ to ~ (with so.) bersua, bertemu muka (dgn sso): he came ~ to ~ with his ex-fiancée at the party, dia bersua dgn bekas tunangnya di majlis itu; fall on o’s ~, jatuh /tertiarap, tersungkur, tersembam, tertumus/; float ~ down, terapung-apung /menelungkup, menelangkup/: the corpse was floating ~ down in the water, mayat itu terapung-apung menelungkup di dlm air; float ~ up, terapung-apung menelentang: she was floating ~ up in the swimming pool, dia terapung-apung menelentang di dlm kolam renang itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
floatvi 1. a. rest on water, mengapung, timbul; (of person) mengapung; (ref to state) terapung; (with bobbing motion) terapung-apung: cork ~s in water, gabus timbul dlm air; he can ~ for hours, dia boleh mengapung berjam-jam lamanya; the leaves of the water-lilies ~ ing on the pond give protection to insects and fish, daun-daun teratai yg terapung di kolam itu memberikan perlindungan pd serangga dan ikan; the body was found ~ing in the harbour, mayat itu dijumpai terapung-apung di pelabuhan; b. rest in air, mengapung: a cloud of dust ~ed in the air, kepulan habuk mengapung di udara;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
awashadj & adv 1. level with surface of water, terendam: rocks ~ at high tide, batu-batu yg terendam semasa air pasang; 2. afloat, terapung-apung; 3. flooded, kebanjiran, dibanjiri air: the streets were ~ after the heavy rain,jalan raya itu kebanjiran selepas hujan lebat.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
float2. a. move on surface of water, hanyut: the raft ~ed down the river, rakit itu hanyut ke hilir sungai; why bother rowing? Let’s just ~, buat apa berdayung, biar saja perahu kita hanyut; b. move through air, melayang-layang; (of cloud) terapung-apung: the propaganda leaflets ~ed down onto the streets of the city, risalah-risalah propaganda jatuh melayang-layang ke jalan-jalan kota itu; clouds were ~ing across the sky, awan terapung-apung melintasi langit; 3. (of sound) mengalun: the sound of the cowbells ~ed across the icy mountain slopes, bunyi loceng lembu mengalun di sekitar lereng gunung yg berais itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
billown 1. large sea wave, gelombang (besar), ombak besar: the huge ~ dashed against the rock, gelombang besar menghempas ke batu; 2. swelling mass, kepulan, gumpalan: ~s of smoke, kepulan-kepulan asap; 3. (poet.) sea, samudera: afloat on the ~s, terapung-apung di samudera;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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