disorderly | adj 1. not orderly, tdk /teratur, tersusun/; (of place) berse(le)rak, tdk teratur: a ~ collection of books, koleksi buku yg tdk teratur; a ~ playroom, bilik permainan yg berselerak; 2. unruly, berkelakuan tdk senonoh; (of gathering, meeting, etc) tdk dapat dikawal: they were a ~ group of people, kumpulan itu berkelakuan tdk senonoh; he was arrested for being drunk and ~, dia ditangkap krn mabuk dan berkelakuan tdk senonoh; a ~ demonstration, tunjuk perasaan yg tdk dapat dikawal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disorganized, disorganised | adj bercelaru, tdk teratur; (of person) tdk teratur: the meeting was very ~ – there was no agenda and everyone seemed to be talking at the same time, mesyuarat itu bercelaru agendanya tiada dan semua orang bercakap pd masa yg sama; a ~ person, orang yg tdk teratur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
apple-pie order | n; in ~, (colloq) cukup teratur: he kept the garden in ~, dia menjaga taman itu dlm keadaan yg cukup teratur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
haphazard | adj tdk teratur, sembarangan: the books were arranged in a ~ way, buku-buku itu disusun secara sembarangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
desultory | adj tdk /berketentuan, teratur/: ~ conversation, perbualan yg tdk berketentuan; he went about his work in a ~ manner, dia membuat kerjanya dgn cara yg tdk berketentuan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
desultoriness | n tdk /berketentuan, teratur/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
irregular | f. (of teeth) tdk teratur; 2. uneven in duration, continuity, order, (secara) tdk tetap: his attendance is ~, kehadirannya tdk tetap; trading on the exchange was ~, dagangan di bursa saham tdk tetap; the pay was good but the hours were ~, gajinya tinggi tetapi waktu kerjanya tdk tetap; he comes at ~ intervals, dia datang secara tdk tetap; the child’s breathing suddenly became ~, pernafasan kanak-kanak itu tiba-tiba menjadi tdk tetap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
anyhow | adv 1. in any case, (walau) bagaimanapun: you’re too late ~, walau bagaimanapun saudara sudah terlambat; 2. in any manner, way, dgn cara apa /jua, pun/; 3. haphazardly, secara tdk teratur: she put back the books ~ , dia meletakkan semula buku-buku itu secara tdk teratur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inchoate | adj (fml) just begun and thus not properly developed, baru /bertunas, bercambah/, belum sempurna; (of plan) baru berputik, belum sempurna; (of need, longing, wish, etc) baru bersemi: his head is full of ~ ideas, kepalanya penuh dgn gagasan-gagasan yg baru bertunas; the plan was ~ and disorganized, rancangan itu belum sempurna dan tdk teratur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
just | ~ now, a. a short timeago, tadi: I bumped into him ~ now while shopping for groceries, saya bertembung dgn dia tadi semasa membeli barang-barang dapur; b. at this very moment, sekarang (ini): they are having a discussion ~ now – can you call back later?, mereka sedang berbincang sekarang – bolehkah tuan menelefon kembali?; ~ so, a. (showing agreement) quite so, ya; b. with everything in its proper place, rapi, teratur: she likes the room ~ so, dia suka melihat bilik itu rapi; it’s ~ that, bukan apa: it’s ~ that we were not told about it earlier, bukan apa, kami tdk diberitahu terlebih dahulu; that is ~ it, itulah dia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |