burn | n 1. burned part or area, /bahagian, tempat/ yg /terbakar, kena api/: she darned the ~ in the blanket, dia menjerumat bahagian yg terbakar pd selimut itu; 2. mark caused by burning, bekas /terbakar, kena api/: there is a ~ on the table top, ada bekas terbakar pd permukaan meja; 3. injury caused by burning, luka terbakar: third degree ~s, luka terbakar darjah ketiga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ablaze | adj 1. on fire, terbakar, dijilat api: the building was still ~ two hours after the fire brigade arrived, bangunan itu masih lagi terbakar dua jam selepas pasukan bomba tiba; be set ~, terbakar; set st ~, a. (accidentally) menyebabkan sst terbakar; b. (deliberately) membakar; 2. brightly illuminated, radiant, a. (with lights) terang-benderang: the hall was ~ with lights, dewan itu terang-benderang dgn cahaya lampu; b. (with colour, jewels) berkilauan: at sunset the sky is ~ with colour, pd waktu senja langit berkilauan dgn warna; a crown ~ with jewels, mahkota yg berkilauan dgn intan permata; 3. excited, wrought up, meluap-luap: he was ~ with anger, kemarahannya meluap-luap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
burn | vi 1. undergo combustion, be or be set on fire, terbakar: the house was ~ing and there were cries for help, rumah itu terbakar dan kedengaran jeritan minta tolong; some wood ~s easily, setengah-setengah kayu mudah terbakar; that material won’t ~, bahan itu tdk boleh terbakar; 2. emit light, menyala, bernyala: the lights in the house ~ed all night, lampu-lampu dlm rumah itu menyala sepanjang malam; the fire ~ed brightly, api itu bernyala dgn maraknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flame | be in ~s, sedang terbakar; burst into ~s, tiba-tiba terbakar; fan the ~s , add fuel to the ~s, menyemarakkan; (adversely) memburukkan lagi keadaan; old ~, kekasih lama, bekas /kekasih, buah hati/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
afire | adj & adv 1. terbakar: the house was ~, rumah itu terbakar; set (st) ~, membakar sst; 2. (fig.) meluap-luap, berapi-api: he was ~ with enthusiasm for the proposed project, semangatnya thdp projek yg dicadangkan itu meluap-luap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
burning | adj 1. on fire, sedang terbakar: the ~ house, rumah yg sedang terbakar; 2. excessively hot, panas mem-bakar: under the ~ sun, di bawah matahari yg panas membakar; 3. affecting with or as if with heat, panas membahang; 4. inflaming, exciting, bernyala-nyala, berapi-api: a ~ enthusiasm, minat yg bernyala-nyala; 5. intense, meluap-luap, bernyala-nyala, berkobar-kobar; a ~ desire, keinginan yg bernyala-nyala; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aflame | adj & adv 1. in flames, terbakar: the village was ~, kampung itu terbakar; 2. in a glow of light, colour, bersemarak: the forest was ~ with colour, hutan itu bersemarak dgn berbagai-bagai warna; the sky was ~ in the setting sun, langit itu bersemarak ketika matahari terbenam; 3. keenly excited, aroused, a. (of person) bernyala-nyala, bersemarak: he was ~ with the desire to acquire more knowledge, keinginan utk memperoleh pengetahuan yg lebih banyak bernyala-nyala dlm dirinya; b. (of face) merah padam: his face was ~ with fury, mukanya merah padam keberangan; c. (of eyes) bernyala-nyala, bersinar-sinar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
combustible | adj 1. capable of igniting, mudah terbakar: petrol is highly ~, petrol sangat mudah terbakar; 2. excitable, mudah teruja: a ~ nature, sifat mudah teruja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blazing | adj 1. burning, terbakar: they rushed out from the ~ house, mereka meluru keluar dr rumah yg terbakar itu; 2. flaming, bernyala: a ~ torch, obor yg bernyala; 3. (of sun) memancar terik; 4. (of light) terang-benderang; 5. (of eyes) berapi-api, bernyala-nyala; 6. (of lie, indiscretion) terang-terang(an); 7. (of anger) memarak, meluap-luap, menyala-nyala. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inflammability, inflammableness | n kemudahterbakaran, (sifat sst yg) mudah terbakar: the material is not suitable because of its ~, bahan itu tdk sesuai krn sifatnya yg mudah terbakar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |