greatest common divisor | n pembahagi sepunya terbesar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
earner | n 1. worker, pekerja: wage ~, pekerja upah; 2. source of income, sumber pendapatan: crude oil is the country’s best ~, minyak mentah merupakan sumber pendapatan terbesar negara itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
abstract | vt 1. separate, remove, memisahkan: to ~ metal from ore, memisahkan logam drpd bijih; 2. regard abstractly, mengabstrakkan: one of man’s greatest feats was to ~ the idea of number, salah satu kejayaan manusia yg terbesar ialah mengabstrakkan pengertian nombor; 3. (euphem) steal, kebas, mengambil; 4. summarize, mengikhtisarkan, meringkaskan, mengintisarikan: to ~ an article, mengikhtisarkan makalah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grouping | n 1. group of people or organizations working for the same objective, perkumpulan: OPEC is a ~ of oil-producing countries, OPEC ialah perkumpulan pengeluar-pengeluar minyak; 2. group of people or organizations that are considered together, kumpulan: architects and town-planners made up the largest ~s at the council meeting, para arkitek dan perancang bandar merupakan dua kumpulan yg terbesar di mesyuarat majlis bandaran; 3. act of placing into a group, pengelompokan: the ~ of specimens into various categories, pengelompokan spesimen-spesimen ke dlm berbagai-bagai kategori. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
body | 6. group of individuals, kumpulan, kelompok; (organized) badan, perkumpulan: a ~ of troops ran into the courtyard, sekumpulan tentera lari ke dlm halaman; voluntary bodies, badan-badan sukarela; legislative ~, badan perundangan; the student ~, golongan mahasiswa; 7. distinct mass, kumpulan, kelompok: Lake Baikal is the largest ~ of fresh water in the world, Tasik Baikal merupakan kumpulan air tawar yg terbesar di dunia; a ~ of cold polar air, sekumpulan udara kutub yg dingin; 8. piece of matter, object, benda; (phys, geom, astron) jasad: foreign ~, benda asing; 9. quantity, jumlah: he was able to amass a large ~ of convincing evidence, dia dapat mengumpulkan sejumlah besar bukti yg meyakinkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beauty | n 1. combination of qualities etc that delights the senses or the intellect, a. (of human face or form) kejelitaan, kecantikan, kerupawanan, lawa: a woman renowned for her ~, wanita yg terkenal krn kejelitaannya; ~ contest, /peraduan, pertandingan/ ratu cantik; b. (of thing) keindahan: because of its ~ the Taj Mahal is India’s greatest tourist attraction, disebabkan keindahannya, Taj Mahal menjadi daya penarik yg terbesar di India bagi para pelancong; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
large | 3. wide in range, scope, etc, luas: the newspaper has a ~ circulation, akhbar itu mempunyai edaran yg luas; teenagers nowadays are given a ~ degree of freedom, golongan remaja masa kini diberi kebebasan yg luas; a ~ variety of, pelbagai: we discussed a ~ variety of topics, kami membincangkan pelbagai topik; 4. important, serious, besar: he takes a ~ part in the running of the business, dia memainkan peranan yg besar dlm menguruskan perniagaan itu; Guthrie is one of our ~st cliens, Guthrie merupakan satu antara klien terbesar kami; that is a ~ question and difficult to answer, itu soalan yg besar dan sukar dijawab; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enterprise | n 1. undertaking esp an adventurous or difficult one, usaha: his new ~ sounds even more risky than his last, usaha barunya nampaknya lebih berisiko drpd usahanya yg dahulu; 2. willingness to engage in such undertakings and to take risks, daya usaha: his father was a man of great ~, bapanya mempunyai daya usaha yg tinggi; 3. business firm, syarikat: this company today is one of the largest industrial ~s in Asia, hari ini, syarikat ini merupakan antara syarikat perindustrian yg terbesar di Asia; 4. business activity, perusahaan:private ~ is responsible for much of the country’s development, perusahaan swasta bertanggungjawap thdp kebanyakan pembangunan negara itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aim | ~ at, a. direct (gun) towards, /membidik, menenang/ ke arah; b. direct (blow, kick, missile etc) towards, mengarahkan + approp n pd: she ~ed at his head but hit the wall instead, dia mengarahkan pinggan itu kpd kepala lelaki itu tetapi terkena dinding; c. have as o’s objective, mempunyai matlamat; (position, job) /berhasrat, bercita-cita/ utk: a country that ~s at becoming the world’s largest producer of palm oil, sebuah negara yg mempunyai matlamat utk menjadi pengeluar minyak kelapa sawit yg terbesar di dunia; he ~ed at the prime ministership, dia berhasrat utk menjadi perdana menteri; ~ st at, see vt. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
All | adj 1. the utmost, [various translations]: with ~ haste, (dgn) secepat mungkin or (dgn) secepat-cepatnya; with ~ (possible) care, dgn secermat-cermatnya or (dgn) secermat mungkin; in ~ earnestness I beg you to flee, dgn sesungguh-sungguhnya saya memohon agar tuan menyelamatkan diri; 2. (usu in negative contexts) any, whatever, segala, semua: he dislikes artificiality in ~ forms, dia tdk suka akan segala bentuk kepura-puraan; to deny ~ responsibility, menolak segala tanggungjawab; beyond ~ doubt, tdk dapat /diragu, disangsikan/ lagi; beyond ~ expectation(s) di luar segala /jangkaan, dugaan/; 3. (as intensifier), [not translated]: the greatest empire in ~ history, empayar yg terbesar dlm sejarah; the most evil regime in ~ the world, rejim yg paling jahat di dunia; adj & pron 1. the whole amount, number (of), every one (of) | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |