ice-bound | adj confined, obstructed by ice, terkepung (oleh) ais: an ~ harbour, pelabuhan yg terkepung ais. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bay3 | at ~, dlm keadaan terdesak; bring to ~, mendesak sehingga terkepung: to bring a quarry to ~, mendesak buruan sehingga terkepung; /hold, keep/ at ~, a. (person) menahan [sso] drpd /menghampiri, mendekati/ sso; b. (illness etc) menjauhkan: to keep an infection at ~, menjauhkan jangkitan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hem | ~ so. /in, around/, a. encircle so., mengelilingi sso; (so as to prevent so. from moving), (act.) mengepung sso; (pass.) sso terkepung: I was ~ med in by people on all sides, saya terkepung oleh orang ramai dikeliling saya; b. (fig.) membelenggu sso: he found himself ~med in by difficulties, dia mendapati dirinya dibelenggu kesusahan; ~ st /in, around/, encircle st, mengelilingi sst; (so as to prevent st from moving), (act.) mengepung sst; (pass.) sst terkepung: the ship was ~med in by icebergs, kapal itu terkepung oleh aisberg. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fog-bound | adj 1. unable to operate, move because of fog, terkandas krn /kabut, kabus tebal/; (of airport etc) terkepung oleh kabut: a ~ aircraft, kapal terbang yg terkandas krn kabut; 2. enveloped in, surrounded by fog, /diselubungi, dilitupi/ /kabut, kabus tebal/: the ~ coastline, pinggir laut yg diselubungi kabut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cave | vi; ~ in, a. collapse, roboh, runtuh: the roof of the old mine shaft ~d in, bumbung lombong lama itu roboh; b. surrender, menyerah: the besieged troops finally ~d in, askar-askar yg terkepung itu akhirnya menyerah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |