flash | 3. appear suddenly, muncul: one by one, the pictures of the suspects ~ed onto the screen, satu demi satu, gambar orang-orang yg disyaki muncul di skrin; 4. come rapidly (into the mind) terlintas, terkilat: the thought ~ ed through his mind, fikiran itu terlintas di kepalanya; the moving scenes at the airport ~ed once again across his mind, adegan-adegan yg mengharukan di lapangan terbang sekali lagi terkilat di fikirannya; 5. (colloq) expose the genitals, /menunjukkan, memperlihatkan/ kemaluan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flit | vi 1. a. fly quickly, terbang: a butterfly ~ted past her, seekor kupu-kupu terbang melewatinya; b. move swiftly, bergerak pantas; (of clouds) berarak cepat: the waiters ~ted from table to table, pelayan-pelayan itu bergerak pantas dr meja ke meja; clouds ~ting across the sky, awan berarak cepat di langit; 2. pass quickly, fleet, terkilat, terlintas, terkilas; (of facial expression) terkilat, terbayang: memories of Stratford ~ted through her mind, kenangan di Stratford terlintas di fikirannya; a bitter smile ~ted across her face, senyum pahit terkilat di wajahnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |