intense | adj 1. great, extreme in degree, amount, strength, etc, a. (rel to weather condition) terlalu: she tossed and turned the whole night because of the ~ heat, dia gelisah dan tdk dapat tidur sepanjang malam krn cuaca terlalu panas; b. (rel to flames, heat from fire, nuclear blast, etc) terlalu panas: the ~ heat from the fire forced them back, bahang api yg terlalu panas menyebabkan mereka terpaksa berundur; ~ flames, api yg terlalu panas; c. (of pain etc) amat sangat: the patient suffered ~ pain, pesakit itu mengalami kesakitan yg amat sangat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intimate 1 | 2. deeply personal, terlalu peribadi; (of thoughts) mendalam: she insisted on telling me the ~ details of her life, dia berkeras utk menceritakan perkara-perkara yg terlalu peribadi ttg dirinya; the ~ nature of their conversation embarrassed him, perbualan mereka yg bersifat terlalu peribadi itu menyebabkan dia berasa malu; the diary reveals his most ~ thoughts and feelings, buku harian itu memaparkan fikiran dan perasaannya yg mendalam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inordinate | adj (fml) 1. exceeding normal limits, terlalu, terlampau: he admitted to driving at an ~ speed, dia mengaku bahawa dia memandu terlalu laju; she spends an ~ length of time in front of the mirror, dia menghabiskan masa yg terlalu lama di hadapan cermin; 2. immoderate, not properly restrained, keterlaluan, melampau-lampau: he could not keep up with her ~ demands, dia tdk terkejar utk memenuhi tuntutan gadis itu yg keterlaluan; ~ passion, nafsu yg keterlaluan; 3. extreme, amat sangat: the thought of the wedding gave her ~ pleasure, apabila terfikir ttg majlis perkahwinan itu dia berasa gembira amat sangat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
avid | adj 1. very keen, sangat /suka, gemar/: an ~ reader, orang yg sangat suka membaca; 2. desirous, terlalu mengingini: his ~ fondness for publicity, dia terlalu mengingini publisiti; to be ~ for power, terlalu mengingini kuasa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hypersensitive | adj 1. very easily hurt, terlalu sensitif: she is ~ to criticism, dia terlalu mudah tersinggung thdp kritikan; 2. (med) hipersensitif, hiperpeka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bank1 | ~ on, /terlalu, sangat/ mengharapkan; ~ on (doing st), berharap dapat (berbuat sst): don’t ~ on your relatives helping you out, jangan terlalu mengharapkan saudara-mara menolong kamu; we are ~ing on the weather being fine, kami sangat mengharapkan agar cuaca baik; he’s ~ing on leaving before the weekend, dia berharap dapat bertolak sebelum hujung minggu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
astronomic(al) | adj 1. enormously large, great in extent, degree, terlalu + approp adj: to allocate ~ sums of money for national defence, menguntukkan wang yg terlalu banyak bagi pertahanan negara; 2. of, rel to astronomy, astronomi, ilmu falak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
emotionalism | n1. emotional nature, quality, penuh /emosi, perasaan/; (of person) sifat terlalu mengikut perasaan: a speech marked by ~, ucapan yg penuh emosi; the ~ of adolescent girls, sifat gadis-gadis remaja yg terlalu mengikut perasaan; 2. (in art, ethics, etc) unsur-unsur emosi: the ~ in the early 19th century works, unsur-unsur emosi dlm karya-karya awal abad ke-19. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
florid | adj 1. red, flushed, merah: he has a ~ complexion, wajahnya merah; 2. excessively ornate, terlalu berbunga-bunga: a ~ writing style, gaya penulisan yg terlalu berbunga-bunga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gooey | adj (sl) 1. sticky, (me)lekit: ~ toffees, tofi yg melekit; 2. too sentimental, terlalu sentimental: a ~ romantic story, kisah cinta yg terlalu sentimental. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |