back | ~ into, hit while backing, terlanggar [n] sewaktu /berundur, mundur, mengundur, mengundurkan + approp n/: I ~ed into the gate this morning, saya terlanggar pintu pagar sewaktu mengundurkan kereta saya pagi tadi; ~ st into st, a. see vt (sense 1.); b. hit st against (st) while backing, /terlanggar, melanggar/ set sewaktu mengundurkan + approp n: he screamed when he heard that his wife had ~ed their new Toyota into a lamp-post, dia menjerit apabila mendapati isterinya terlanggar tiang lampu sewaktu mengundurkan Toyota baru mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
knock | ~ against, terlanggar; (of part of body) terhantuk: his motor cycle ~ against my fender, motosikalnya terlanggar dapra saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cannon | vi; ~ /into, against/ /so., st/, terlanggar /sso, sst/: she ran and ~ed into the old man, dia berlari dan terlanggar orang tua itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bump | ~ against, terlanggar; ~ st against, (accidentally) sst terhantuk pd: I ~ed my head against the door, kepala saya terhantuk pd pintu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bump | ~ into, a. knock against, terlanggar; b. meet by chance, /terserempak, bersua/ dgn: I ~ed into an old friend today, saya terserempak dgn seorang kawan lama hari ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crash | ~ into so., /melanggar, merempuh/ sso: the runaway truck ~ed into a group of people at the bus-stop, trak yg tdk dapat dikawal itu melanggar sekumpulan orang di perhentian bas; ~ into st, /melanggar, terlanggar/ sst: the car ~ed into a lamp-post, kereta itu terlanggar tiang lampu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crash | vt 1. smash, menghempaskan: she ~ed the picture down on the floor, dia menghempaskan gambar itu ke lantai; 2. collide violently, (deliberately) melanggarkan; (accidentally) terlanggar: he ~ed his van into our front gate, vannya terlanggar pintu pagar depan kami; 3. be involved in an accident, berlanggar: he ~ed his new car yesterday, kereta barunya berlanggar semalam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
concertina | vi spt dilipat-lipat: the lorry ~ed when it hit the tree, lori itu spt dilipat-lipat apabila terlanggar pokok. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bang1 | ~ against st, a. strike against st, terhantuk pd sst: his knees ~ed against the side of the table, lututnya terhantuk pd tepi meja itu; b. collide with st, terlanggar sst: the car skidded, ~ed against my garden wall and burst into flames, kereta itu terbabas, terlanggar tembok taman saya dan terbakar; ~ st against, strike st against, a. (when “st” is part of body) menghantukkan sst pd; (accidentally) terhantuk pd: the baby threw a tantrum and ~ed his head against the side of the cot, bayi itu mengamuk dan menghantuk-hantukkan kepalanya pd dinding katilnya; straightening up too suddenly, he ~ed his head against a low beam, apabila dia tiba-tiba saja menegakkan badannya, kepalanya terhantuk pd alang yg rendah; b. (when “st” is a whole obj) menghentamkan sst pd: he ~ed his satchel angrily against the locker, dgn marah, dia menghentamkan beg sekolahnya pd almari kecil itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
into | 3. so as to hit, [not translated ]: the car skidded and crashed ~ a wall, kereta itu tergelincir dan melanggar tembok; the boy bumped ~ me as I came round the corner, budak itu terlanggar saya sebaik saja saya melepasi sudut jalan itu; 4. (used with the verb “change”) put on, memakai, mengenakan: he didn’t have the time to change ~ his uniform, dia tdk sempat bersalin baju dan mengenakan pakaian seragamnya; 5. (used with the verbs “speak”, “shout”, etc) di: he shouted ~ the intercom and made us all jump, dia menjerit di interkom dan membuat kami semua terkejut; “just a minute,” she said ~ the telephone, “tunggu sebentar,” dia berkata di telefon; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |