fixed | adj 1. attached firmly, terpasang: the seats are firmly ~ to the floor, tempat duduk itu terpasang dgn teguh pd lantai; 2. not changing, invariable, tetap: ~ interest rate, kadar bunga yg tetap; I have no ~ plan for the future, saya tdk ada rancangan tetap utk masa depan; he has some ~ ideas on the subject, dia mempunyai gagasan-gagasan tetap ttg perkara itu; ~ price, harga /tetap, mati/; 3. (of facial expression) terpaku: his ~ stare embarrassed me, renungannya yg terpaku membuat saya berasa malu; she had a ~ smile on her face, senyuman terpaku di wajahnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
immobile | adj 1. unable to move, tdk dapat bergerak: after removal of the battery the car will be ~, setelah bateri dikeluarkan kereta itu tdk akan dapat bergerak; 2. motionless, terpaku, tdk bergerak-gerak; (of face, feature) aku: the old man sat ~ in his chair, orang tua itu duduk terpaku di kerusinya; her face remained ~, mukanya tetap aku. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
immobility | n 1. inability to move, tdk dapat bergerak; 2. motionlessness, terpaku, tdk bergerak-gerak; (of face, feature) kaku. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dumb | adj 1. lacking power of speech, bisu: he has been ~ from birth, dia bisu sejak lahir lagi; 2. speechless, tergamam: the child stood, ~ and motionless, kanak-kanak itu berdiri terpaku dan tergaman; I was struck ~ with horror, saya tergamam ketakutan; 3. unwilling to speak, silent, membisu: we tried to make him talk but he remained ~, kami mencuba membuat dia bercakap, tetapi dia terus membisu; 4. (colloq & derog) stupid, dim, bodoh: that was a pretty ~ thing to do, perbuatan kamu tadi bodoh; 5. (colloq) silly, bodoh: I gave my sister $200 and all she bought was this ~ blouse, saya memberi adik saya $200 dan dia hanya membelikan saya blaus bodoh ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
impotent | adj 1. powerless, tdk mempunyai kuasa; (to do st) tdk /berupaya, berdaya/: a weak, ~ leader, pemimpin yg lemah dan tdk mempunyai kuasa; he stood rooted to the ground, ~ to help, dia berdiri terpaku, tdk berdaya menolong; 2. unable to engage in sexual intercourse, mati pucuk; (med) impoten. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
anchored | adj 1. at anchor, berlabuh: on any day there are at least twenty ships ~ here, pd sst hari terdapat sekurang-kurangnya dua puluh kapal yg berlabuh di sini; 2. firmly fixed, [various translations]: throughout the evening his attention remained ~ on his grandson, sepanjang malam pandangannya terpaku pd cucu lelakinya; the door frames were well ~ed into the wall, bingkai pintu terpasang dgn kukuhnya pd dinding. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |