isolated | adj 1. remote, set apart from others, terpencil: an ~ farmhouse, rumah ladang yg terpencil; she chose to lead an ~ life, away from the bustle of the city, dia memilih utk hidup terpencil, jauh dr kesibukan kota; 2. alone, lonely, sepi, sunyi, terasing, terpencil: as I shared neither their interests nor inclinations, I began to feel more and more ~, oleh sebab saya tdk mempunyai minat dan kecenderungan yg sama spt mereka, saya berasa semakin terasing; 3. occasional, terpencil: he quoted ~ cases of violence and cautioned the reader not to make any generalizations, dia memberikan beberapa contoh kes keganasan yg terpencil dan mengingatkan pembaca supaya tdk membuat anggapan umum. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
isolation | in ~, a. in solitariness, terasing, terpencil: he lived in ~ in the country, dia hidup terpencil di desa; b. detached, separate from others, terasing; c. independently, sendirian: it would be unrealistic to think that we can act in ~ without regard to other members of the community, tdk realistik memikirkan bahawa kita dapat bertindak sendirian tanpa menimbangkan anggota masyarakat yg lain; d. without regard to similar matters, relationships, etc, secara berasingan: we cannot possibly deal with the matter in ~ as there are external factors which should be taken into account, tdk mungkin kita mengendalikan perkara itu secara berasingan krn terdapat faktor-faktor luaran yg mesti diambil kira. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
back country | n (Austral & NZ) daerah terpencil. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
backwoods | n remote, sparsely populated place, kawasan /pedalaman, terpencil/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beaten | off the ~ track,>/b> away from society, terpencil, jarang didatangi orang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
approachable | adj 1. accessible, dapat didatangi: the remote valley was ~ only by helicopter, lembah yg terpencil itu dapat didatangi hanya dgn helikopter; 2. friendly, mudah /didekati, dirapati, dihampiri/: the new overseer is more ~ than his predecessor, mandur yg baru itu lebih mudah didekati drpd mandur yg sebelumnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
back | say st behind so’s ~, mengata-ngata sso di belakang-belakang; the ~ of beyond, tempat yg jauh /di hulu, terpencil/; turn o’s ~ on, a. memberi belakang kpd; b. (fig.) membelakangi, mengabaikan: to turn o’s ~ on o’s problems, membelakangi masalah sso; turn o’s ~ on the world, /mengasingkan, memencilkan, menyisihkan/ diri; with o’s ~ against (st), dgn bersandar pd (sst); with o’s ~ to (st), dgn membelakangi (sst); with o’s ~ to the wall, (fig.) dlm keadaan /terdesak, terhimpit/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
descend | ~ /on, upon/, a. attack suddenly, menyerang [sst] dgn mengejut, tiba-tiba menyerang: bandits ~ed upon the isolated town, penyamun-penyamun menyerang pekan yg terpencil itu dgn mengejut; b. visit unexpectedly, mengunjungi [sso] dgn /tiba-tiba, tdk disangka-sangka/: some close friends ~ed upon him last weekend, beberapa orang kawan karibnya mengunjunginya dgn tiba-tiba pd hujung minggu lalu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alluring | adj sangat menarik; (of smile, look, etc) menawan, memikat, menggoda: an ~ prospect, suatu kemungkinan yg sangat menarik; an island remote and ~, pulau yg terpencil dan sangat menarik; an ~ smile, senyuman yg menawan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
far-flung | adj 1. widely distributed, spread, luas sekali: ~ trade connections, perhubungan perdagangan yg luas sekali; the ~ British Empire, Empayar British yg luas sekali; 2. remote, terpencil. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |