smitten | adj terpikat, tertawan: he was ~ with Jane, dia terpikat dgn Jane; I was quite ~ by his looks, saya amat terpikat dgn rupanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
soft | b. (colloq) be attracted to so., terpikat dgn sso: he is ~ on the girl next door, dia terpikat dgn gadis yg berjiran dengannya; take a ~ line with so., bersikap terlalu fleksibel thdp sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
allure | cvt (act.) memikat, menggoda; (pass.) terpikat, tergoda, tertawan: fables of mermaids alluring sailors to destruction, cerita-cerita dongeng yg mengisahkan bagaimana ikan duyung memikat pelaut ke arah kemusnahan; to be ~d by promises, terpikat dgn janji-janji; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lure | vt entice, (act.) memikat, menggoda; (pass.) terpikat, tergoda; (with bait) mengumpan; (into prostitution etc) terjebak: the window display will certainly ~ people into the shop, barang-barang yg dipamerkan di cermin itu pasti akan memikat orang utk masuk ke dlm kedai; many people have been ~d to the gold fields in the hope of making a fortune, ramai yg tergoda utk melombong emas bagi memperoleh kekayaan; he was ~d into a back street where he was attacked by thugs, dia diumpan supaya pergi ke lorong belakang dan di situlah dia diserang oleh samseng-samseng; girls are often ~d into prostitution by syndicates, gadis-gadis sering terjebak dlm pelacuran oleh sindiket; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enamour, (US) enamor | vt (usu pass.) tertawan, terpikat: he was ~ed of the beautiful princess, dia tertawan dgn puteri yg jelita itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
smitten | the tourists were ~ by the scenic beauty of the Alpine village, para pelancong terpikat dgn keindahan pemandangan di perkampungan Alp. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lure | ~ so. on, (act.), /menggoda, memikat/ sso; (pass.) sso /tergoda, terpikat/: it is wrong to ~ someone on with false hopes, adalah salah menggoda seseorang dgn harapan yg palsu; he was ~d on by his own curiosity, dia tergoda krn perasaan ingin tahunya; ~ st on, mengumpan sst: the poachers ~d the elephant on to certain death, pemburu-pemburu haram mengumpan gajah itu utk membunuhnya | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beguile | vt charm (act.), /menawan, memikat/ hati; (pass.), (hati) /tertawan, terpikat/: her eyes ~d him, matanya menawan hati lelaki itu; 2. deceive (act.) memperdaya; (pass.) terpedaya, diperdaya: she was ~d by the salesman’s glib talk, dia teperdaya oleh kepetahan jurujual itu; 3. cause (time etc) to pass pleasantly, mengisi /waktu, masa/: we ~d the hours by playing cards, kami mengisi waktu dgn bermain terup; 4. amuse, menghibur(kan) (hati): their uncle ~d them with stories and riddles, bapa saudara mereka menghiburkan hati mereka dgn bercerita dan berteka-teki; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
susceptibility | 2. tendency to be impressed, sensitivity, mudah + approp v: a girl with a noticeable ~ to handsome young men, gadis yg jelas mudah terpikat pd pemuda yg tampan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bowl2 | ~ so. over, a. knock so. down, melanggar sso; b. overwhelm so., (act.) mengagumkan sso; (pass.) sso kagum; (by beauty, charm, etc); (act.) /menawan, memikat, mengagumkan/ sso; (pass.) sso/ tertawan, terpikat, kagum/: his sharp wit ~ed us over, akalnya yg tajam mengagumkan kami; tourists are usually ~ed over by the beauty of the island, pelancong-pelancong selalunya tertawan dgn keindahan pulau itu; c. surprise so. greatly, shock, (act.) memeranjatkan, mengejutkan; (pass.) terperanjat, terkejut: the news completely ~ed him over, berita itu benar-benar memeranjatkannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |