elect | adj 1. elected but not yet installed, bakal: the president ~, bakal presiden; 2. chosen, selected, terpilih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cut | n 1. gash, wound, luka: there was a deep ~ in her leg, terdapat luka yg dalam di kakinya; 2. piece cut off, potong: a prime ~ of beef, sepotong daging lembu yg terpilih; 3. act of removing a part, pemotongan; (in surgery) pembedahan: one can make a clean ~ if the knife is sharp, kita boleh membuat pemotongan yg kemas jika pisau yg digunakan itu tajam; several ~s must be made before the film is screened, beberapa pemotongan hendaklah dibuat sebelum filem itu ditayangkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
experiment | n 1. test to demonstrate known facts, uji kaji, eksperimen: a scientific ~, uji kaji saintifik; to carry out an ~, membuat uji kaji; 2. attempt at st new, eksperimen, percubaan: the subject was taught in se lected schools as an ~, mata pelajaran itu diajar di sekolah-sekolah terpilih sbg satu eksperimen; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |