Maklumat Kata

Carian kata tiada di dalam kamus terkini. Sila rujuk capaian Kamus Dalam Talian ini.
putus (kata kerja)
1. Bersinonim dengan retas: rabit, relah, relai, gentas, tercerai, terlerai, terpotong, terkerat,
Berantonim dengan bercantum

2. Bersinonim dengan berakhir: habis, selesai, tamat, berhenti, kiamat, langsai, beres, siap, sudah, gentas,
Berantonim dengan bermula

Kata Terbitan : memutuskan, terputus, terputus-putus, keputusan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

faltervi 1. be unsteady, hesitant, teragak-agak; (of voice) terputus-putus: he ~ed in the middle of his speech, dia teragak-agak di pertengahan ucapannya; his voice ~ed a little, suaranya terputus-terputus sedikit; 2. stagger, terhuyung-hayang: he ~ed towards the door, dia terhuyung-hayang menuju ke pintu; 3. waver, goyah: he never ~ed in his determination to be rich, dia tdk pernah goyah dr azamnya utk menjadi kaya; her spirits never ~ed, semangatnya tdk pernah goyah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
break5. interrupt, (menyebabkan) terputus: one stunted tree broke the line of tall palms, jajaran pokok palma yg tumbuh tinggi itu terputus oleh sebatang pokok yg bantut; their entry broke the thread of the conversation, kedatangan mereka menyebabkan aliran perbualan itu terputus; 6. solve, memecahkan: the detective finally broke the case, mata-mata gelap itu akhirnya dapat memecahkan kes itu; the experts broke the code, pakar-pakar telah memecahkan kod itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
haltingadj faltering, terputus-putus, tersangkut-sangkut, tertahan-tahan: his ~ delivery spoiled the effect of the speech, penyampaiannya yg terputus-putus merosakkan kesan ucapan itu; he answered me in ~ English, dia menjawab pertanyaan saya dlm bahasa Inggeris yg tersangkut-sangkut.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cut6. cessation, pemotongan; (accidental) terputus: there was a power ~ this afternoon, bekalan tenaga elektrik terputus petang tadi; 7. (sl) share, bahagian: the watchman got his ~ for “forgetting” to lock the factory door, pengawal itu mendapat bahagiannya krn “lupa” mengunci pintu kilang; 8. style, potongan: the ~ of his clothes does not suit a man of his build, potongan pakaiannya tdk sesuai utk lelaki yg bertubuh sepertinya; a neat hair~, potongan rambut yg kemas; 9. short cut, jalan rentas; 10. st that hurts the feelings, penghinaan: that remark was a ~ at me, kata-kata itu merupakan suatu penghinaan kpd saya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
discontinuityn (fml) 1. intermittence, ketidaksinambungan, terputus-putus: ~ of ideas, gagasan yg terputus-putus; 2. (math) ketakselanjaran.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
discontinuousadj 1. characterized by breaks, interruptions, tdk berkesinambungan, terputus-putus, tdk berterusan: a ~ line, garisan yg terputus-putus; 2. (math) tak selanjar.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
isolate~ os, /mengasingkan, memencilkan/ diri: since his wife’s death he has ~d himself in the country, sejak kematian isterinya, dia mengasingkan diri di kampung; b. (of place) menyebabkan perhubungan dgn [n] terputus; (pass.) perhubungan terputus: last night’s heavy downpour has ~d at least four villages, hujan lebat semalam menyebabkan perhubungan dgn sekurang-kurangnya empat buah kampung terputus; 2. separate from other substances, mengasingkan: the scientist who first ~d the bacterium, ahli sains yg mula-mula mengasingkan bakterium itu; 3. cause to lose friends, supporters, etc, menyebabkan [sso, sst] terpulau;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gog. (colloq) fall asleep, tidur: the baby has just ~ne off, bayi itu baru tidur; h. cease to function, terputus: the electricity went off while I was cooking, bekalan eletrik terputus ketika saya sedang memasak; i. cease, hilang: the pain didn’t ~ off until the next day, rasa sakit tdk hilang hingga hari berikutnya; j. (colloq) cease to enjoy, like, tak suka lagi: I’ve ~ne off eggs, saya sudah tak suka lagi makan telur; k. be carried out, berlangsung: the meeting went off well, mesyuarat itu berlangsung dgn baik;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
disconnectedadj disjointed, incoherent, tdk berkesinambungan, terputus-putus: the plot of the novel is ~, plot novel itu tdk berkesinambungan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
failure4. non-performance, tidak, kegagalan: ~ to report an accident is an offence, tidak melaporkan kemalangan ialah satu kesalahan; 5. breakdown, kerosakan; (of electricity supply) terputus: engine ~, kerosakan enjin; power ~, bekalan elektrik terputus; 6. (med) kegagalan: heart ~, kegagalan jantung; renal ~, kegagalan ginjal; 7. (of crop) tak jadi: crop ~, tanaman tak jadi; 8. bankruptcy, kebangkrapan, kemuflisan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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