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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

asleepadj 1. in a state of sleep, tidur; (of royalty) beradu; (unintentionally) tertidur, terlena, terlelap: the baby is ~ at last, akhirnya bayi itu tidur; to be sound ~, tidur nyenyak; he was ~ on his feet, dia tertidur sambil berdiri; 2. dormant, inactive, tidur, tdk aktif, kelesa: an organization that is weak and usually ~,sebuah pertubuhan yg lemah dan sentiasa tidur; 3. numb, kebas: my foot is ~, kaki saya kebas; 4. (euphem) dead, menutup mata;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
flock1n 1. group of sheep, goats, birds, kawan(an) (+ approp n): every autumn, the shepherds bring their ~s down from the hills, setiap musim luruh, gembala itu membawa turun kawanan kambing biri-birinya dr bukit; a ~ of turkeys, sekawanan ayam belanda; 2. crowd, kumpulan: a ~ of visitors, sekumpulan pelawat; come in ~s, datang berduyun-duyun; 3. parish, jemaah: the priest noticed several members of his ~ falling asleep, paderi itu perasan beberapa anggota jemaahnya tertidur;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dulladj 1. uninteresting, boring, membosankan: a ~ weekend, hujung minggu yg membosankan; the lecture was so ~ that many students fell asleep, kuliah itu begitu membosankan hingga ramai penuntut yg tertidur; a ~ film, filem yg membosankan; 2. not very lively, listless, mambar, tdk bersemangat: at first she was rather talkative, but after a few hours she became ~ and quiet, mula-mula dia agak ramah, tetapi setelah beberapa jam, dia menjadi mambar dan senyap;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
herselfpron 1. (as obj of action) a. (stressed) dirinya (sendiri): she looked at ~ in the mirror, dia melihat dirinya dlm cermin itu; she supports ~, dia menyara dirinya sendiri; b. (unstressed), [not translated]: she cut ~ when chopping the onions, dia terluka semasa memotong bawang; she cried ~ to sleep, dia menangis hingga tertidur; 2. that very girl, woman, sendiri: she ~ did not know the answer, dia sendiri tdk tahu jawapannya; 3. (in comparisons), (diri)nya: a partner as tall as ~, seorang teman yg sama tinggi dengannya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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