canal | n 1. artificial waterway, a. (for navigation) terusan: the Panama C~, Terusan Panama; the Suez C~, Terusan Suez; b. (for irrigation, water-power, etc) tali air; 2. (anat) saluran: the alimentary ~, saluran makanan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
canalization, canalisation | n 1. act of providing with canal (for irrigation, drainage, etc) membuat terusan; 2. system of canals, a. (for navigation) sistem terusan; b. (for irrigation, drainage, etc) sistem penyaluran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ply 1 | vt 1. travel to and fro on, berulang-alik di: the ships that ~ the channel, kapal-kapal yg berulang-alik di terusan itu; 2. use, wield (tool, weapon), [various translations]: she sat at the window ~ing her needle, dia duduk menjahit dekat tingkap; the old man ~ed the oars, orang tua itu mendayung perahu; he ~ed the axe with vigour, dia menghayun kapak dgn pantas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rail 1 | vt furnish with rails, memagar: the canal bank is dangerous and should be ~ed, tebing terusan itu berbahaya dan sepatutnya dipagar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
filth | n 1. loathsome dirt, kotoran: the canal was full of ~, terusan itu penuh dgn kotoran; 2. offensive or obscene words, picture, film, etc, /kata-kata, gambar, filem/ cabul: he shouted ~ as they passed, dia menjeritkan kata-kata cabul semasa mereka lalu; he writes nothing but ~, dia menulis cerita cabul belaka; does your wife know you watch such ~?, adakah isteri kamu tahu kamu menonton filem cabul spt itu?. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
canalize, canalise | vt 1. provide with canal (for irrigation, drainage, etc) membina terusan di; 2. (fig.) see CHANNEL (sense 2.). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
narrow | vt 1. reduce width, extent of, (lit. & fig.) menyempitkan: to ~ the channel, menyempitkan terusan itu; certain measures were taken to ~ the gap between the rich and the poor, beberapa langkah diambil utk menyempitkan jurang antara yg kaya dan yg miskin; 2. often ~ st down, limit, menyempitkan; (number of people or areas to be considered), mengehadkan, membataskan: the use of glosses will ~ down the sense of a word, penggunaan glos akan menyempitkan makna sesuatu perkataan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shipping | n 1. ships (collectively) kapal-kapal: for a long time the Suez Canal was closed to ~, lama Terusan Suez ditutup pd kapal-kapal; ~ forecast, ramalan cuaca utk kapal-kapal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
buoy | vt 1. mark with buoy(s) meletakkan boya di: the channel has been ~ed, boya diletakkan di terusan itu; 2. also ~ (so., st) up, keep from sinking, mengapungkan, membuat [n] /terapung, tdk tenggelam/: the life jacket ~ed him up, jaket keselamatan itu mengapungkannya; 3. also ~ so. up, raise spirits so's , (act.) /membangkitkan, menaikkan/ semangat sso; (pass.) sso naik semangat: I was ~ed up by the thought of the holiday, saya naik semangat apabila memikirkan percutian itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sluggish | adj 1. slow-moving, a. (of river, stream, etc) mengalir perlahan(-lahan): the dirty, ~ water of the canal, air yg kotor di terusan itu mengalir perlahan-lahan; b. (of traffic) bergerak perlahan(-lahan); c. (of blood circulation)tdk lancar, perlahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |