nay | adv 1. (archaic) see NO (sense 1.); 2. and not only that, tidak: I feel, ~, I’m certain he’s not telling the truth, saya rasa, tidak, saya pasti bahawa dia tdk berkata benar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
All | c. (in negative sentences) i. (not) in the slightest, (not) in any way, (tdk) sama sekali, sama sekali (tdk); (colloq), (tdk) langsung: I didn’t say that at ~, saya sama sekali tdk berkata demikian; not at ~ worried, tdk khuatir sama sekali or sama sekali tdk khuatir; ii. (with negative adj) bukan [negative adj], (memang) [positive adj] juga: it’s not at ~ impossible, bukan tdk mungkin or (memang) mungkin juga; iii. (not) in reality, sebenarnya: they said he was sick, but he wasn’t at ~, mereka berkata dia sakit, tapi sebenarnya tidak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |