gratuity | n 1. gift of money to retiring employee, ganjaran; 2. (fml) tip, tip, upah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
filter-tip | n 1. device at end of cigarette, penapis rokok; 2. cigarette having this, rokok berpenapis. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
iceberg | the tip of the ~, (fig.) baru sebahagian kecil drpd yg sebenarnya, baru bunganya sahaja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arrowhead | n pointed tip of arrow, /kepala, mata/ panah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
escape | c. (from influence, control, responsibility, etc) melepaskan diri: he was only too willing to ~ from his father’s domination, dia sangat bersedia utk melepaskan diri drpd kongkongan bapanya; the robbers ~d after receiving a tip-off, perompak-perompak itu melarikan diri setelah mendapat maklumat; 2. avoid, survive (st dangerous or unpleasant) terselamat: two passengers were killed, but the driver ~d with a few bruises, dua penumpang terbunuh, tetapi pemandu itu terselamat dgn mengalami lebam-lebam sedikit; all his comrades were shot, but he managed to ~, semua rakan-rakannya ditembak, tetapi dia terselamat; 3. leak out, keluar: put the plug in so that the water cannot ~, masukkan penyumbat supaya air tdk dapat keluar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forget | I hope you will not ~ your promise, saya harap kamu tdk akan melupakan janji; I’d like to introduce you to ... I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten your name!, saya ingin memperkenalkan saudari dgn ... maaf, saya terlupa nama saudara!; you’d better ~ me as soon as possible, lebih baik kamu melupakan saya secepat mungkin; 2. omit, neglect to buy, bring, etc, (ter)lupa + approp v: don’t ~ to tip the driver, jangan lupa memberi tip kpd pemandu itu; have you forgotten my passport?, kamu terlupa mengambil pasport saya?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
handsome | adj 1. good-looking, a. (of man) tampan, kacak, segak; b. (of woman) segak; 2. (of room, building, etc) elegant, tersergam indah: a ~, old building, bangunan lama yg tersergam indah; 3. (of present, gift) generous, berharga, mahal: that diamond watch is a ~ gift, jam bertatah berlian itu merupakan hadiah yg berharga; 4. very large, banyak, besar: he won by a ~ majority, dia menang dgn majoriti yg besar; that kind gentleman gave us a ~ tip, lelaki yg budiman itu memberi kami tip yg besar; 5. magnanimous, a. (of person) baik hati: it was very ~ of him to forgive his enemies, dia sungguh baik hati krn memaafi musuh-musuhnya; b. (of an action) mulia: a ~ deed, perbuatan yg mulia; a ~ apology, meminta maaf banyak-banyak; a ~ compliment, pujian yg tinggi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hot | ~ and bothered, gelisah, resah: there’s no need to get all ~ and bothered over such a small matter, tdk perlu resah ttg perkara yg sebegitu kecil; ~ bath, mandi air panas; ~ favourite, pilihan ramai; be ~ on st, (colloq) a. be interested in st, minat sst: she’s ~ on rock music, dia minat muzik rock; b. be good at st, bagus dlm sst: she’s ~ on maths, dia bagus dlm matematik; ~ tip, panduan yg tepat; /be in, get into/ ~ water, (colloq) mendapat susah: you’ll get into ~water if you’re late again, kamu akan mendapat susah jika kamu datang lambat lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |