characteristic | adj tipikal, biasa: ~ symptoms of malaria, gejala tipikal penyakit malaria; be ~ of, a. (so.), /memang sifat, tipikal bagi/ sso; b. (st), /tipikal bagi, menjadi ciri/ sst; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
archetype | n 1. typical example, specimen, contoh tipikal: he was the ~ of a businessman, dia contoh tipikal seorang peniaga; 2. prototype, arketip: the Ford Model T is the ~ of mass-produced cars, Ford Model T ialah arketip kereta-kereta yang dikeluarkan secara besar-besaran; 3. (psychol) arketip; 4. recurrent symbol, motive, in literature, etc, tipa induk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cut-glass | adj upper-class, kelas atasan: the Duchess has a typical, ~ accent, Duchess itu bercakap dgn telor kelas atasan yg tipikal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |