duck-boards | n titi(an). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bridge1 | n 1. structure a. (over river, canal, road, etc) jambatan; b. (over small stream, drain, etc) titi(an): a plank is used as a ~ over the stream, sekeping papan digunakan sbg titi utk menyeberangi anak sungai itu; 2. connecting agent, link, perantara, penghubung, jambatan: he served as a ~ between the government and the people, beliau merupakan penghubung antara kerajaan dgn rakyat; 3. bridge of the nose, batang hidung; 4. (of stringed instruments) kekuda: the ~ of a violin, kekuda biola; 5. (naut), /anjung-anjung, anjungan/ (kapal); 6. see BRIDGE PASSAGE; 7. (dentistry) jambatan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
catwalk | n 1. (of bridge) titi(an) samping; 2. (of stage) pentas peragaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blind | he made a ~ choice on which course of action to take, dia membuat pilihan secara membabi buta ttg tindakan yg hendak diambilnya; 5. reckless, uncontrolled, terlalu: in his ~ haste he almost fell off the gangplank, krn terlalu tergesa-gesa dia hampir terjatuh dr titi sambung itu; ~ fury, terlalu marah; 6. performed by the use of instruments only, buta: a ~ landing, pendaratan buta; 7. hidden from sight, tersembunyi, tersorok: a ~ corner, selekoh tersembunyi; a ~ hinge, engsel tersembunyi; 8. closed at one end, mati, buntu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
insecure | adj 1. lacking self-confidence, unsure of os, tdk yakin pd diri sendiri: she always feels ~ with strangers, dia selalu berasa tdk yakin pd diri sendiri apabila bersama orang yg tdk dikenalinya; 2. not safe from danger, threat, tdk selamat: the position of the troops was still ~, kedudukan pasukan itu masih tdk selamat; she felt very ~ walking along the rope bridge, dia berasa tdk selamat berjalan di atas titi gantung itu; 3. unstable, tdk terjamin; (of marriage) tdk kukuh: his position in the party is ~, kedudukannya dlm parti itu tdk terjamin; an ~ investment, pelaburan yg tdk terjamin; 4. not firm or dependable, tdk /kukuh, teguh/: the fastening was ~, ikatan itu tdk kukuh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |