drop | n 1. globule of liquid, titik, titis: ~s of dew on the grass, titik-titik embun di atas rumput; put two ~s of this vitamin in his milk, masukkan dua titik vitamin ini ke dlm susunya; /by, in/ ~s, setitik-setitik: the medicine came out in ~s, ubat itu keluar setitik-setitik; to the last ~, hingga /habis, licin/; 2. lozenge, gula-gula: cough ~s, gula-gula batuk; 3. slump, fall, kejatuhan: a big ~ in prices, kejatuhan harga yg besar; 4. fall, descent, jarak jatuh: a 100m ~ to the ground, jarak jatuh 100m ke tanah; 5. see DROP-KICK; 6. see DROP-CURTAIN; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
condense | vi memeluwap: steam ~s into water droplets, wap itu memeluwap menjadi titik-titik air; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bead | n 1. ornamental rounded object, manik: a string of ~s, seuntai manik; 2. (of rosary) a. (as used by Muslims) buah tasbih; b. (as used by Catholics) buah rosario; tell o’s ~s, a. (rel to a Muslim) /berzikir, berwirid/ sambil membilang buah tasbih; b. (rel to a Catholic) berdoa dgn membilang buah rosario; 3. small drop, titik: ~s of sweat, titik-titik peluh; ~s of dew, titik-titik embun; 4. (of gun) pembidik, pejera: draw a ~ on st, membidik sst; 5. (archit) kumai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
full stop | n 1. (punctuation mark), (tanda) /titik, noktah/; 2. complete stop, titik: you’re not going to the party, ~, kamu tdk boleh pergi ke majlis itu, titik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
common ground | n (titik) persamaan: they could not find ~ for negotiation, mereka tdk dapat mencari titik persamaan utk berunding; although we were two very different people, we had sufficient ~ to be able to get along, walaupun kami adalah dua orang yg sangat berbeza kami mempunyai titik persamaan yg mencukupi utk bergaul mesra. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dot | vt 1. place dot over, membubuh titik pd, menitik: to ~ the “i”s, membubuh titik pd huruf-huruf “i”; ~ /the, o’s/ i’s and cross /the, o’s/ t’s, approp v + dgn teliti: the boss is very fussy; you’ll have to learn to ~ your i’s and cross your t’s, bos itu sangat cerewet; kamu mesti bekerja dgn teliti; 2. mark with dots, membubuh titik pd: he ~ted the area affected by the floods, dia membubuh titik pd kawasan yg terlibat dgn banjir: 3. cover with st resembling dots, (usu pass.) bertaburan di: the night sky was ~ted with millions of stars, berjuta-juta bintang bertaburan di langit malam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
distance | n 1. length of space between two points, jarak: measure the ~ between point A and point B, ukur jarak antara titik A dan titik B; the ~ between a person’s eyes, jarak antara mata sso; the ~ between the two towns is 42 kilometres, jarak antara kedua-dua bandar itu ialah 42 kilometer; long - ~ runner, pelari jarak jauh; 2. space of time, /jangka, jarak/ /waktu, masa/: he looked back over a ~ of 25 years, dia memandang ke belakang ke jangka waktu lebih 25 tahun; 3. state of being distant, dr jauh: ~ lends enchantment to the view, dr jauh pemandangan itu kelihatan sangat indah; 4. route, course, sepanjang jarak: he ran the ~ in record-breaking time, dia berlari sepanjang jarak itu dlm masa yg memecahkan rekod; 5. reserve, unfriendliness, kerenggangan, hubungan renggang: there is a great ~ between the two cousins, hubungan antara kedua-dua sepupu itu amat renggang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dotted | adj (ber)titik: ~ line, garis titik; sign on the ~ line, menurunkan tandatangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dot | n small round spot, titik; (appearing in large numbers on dress, leaf, etc) bintik: you have forgotten to put the ~ on the “j”, kamu terlupa membubuh titik pd huruf “j”; a ~ of red paint, setitik cat merah; she was wearing a red blouse with white ~s on it, dia memakai blaus merah yg berbintik putih; she watched until the ship became a mere ~ on the horizon, dia memperhatikan kapal itu sehingga menjadi satu titik di ufuk; on the ~, (colloq) tepat pd /masanya, waktunya/; (of specified time) tepat: we arrived on the ~, kita tiba tepat pd masanya; 8 o’clock on the ~, pukul 8 tepat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glisten | vi (shine from or as if from wetness) berkilat; (sparkle, gleam by reflecting light) berkilau-kilau: the wet road ~ed under the street lights, jalan yg basah itu berkilat disinari lampu jalan; his body ~ed with sweat, badannya berkilat dgn peluh; she brushed her hair till it ~ed, dia memberus rambutnya sehingga berkilat; dew drops ~ing on the leaves, titik-titik embun yg berkilau-kilau di atas daun; her eyes ~ed with tears, matanya berkilau-kilau digenangi air mata. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |