endure | vi dapat bertahan; ( of fame etc ) kekal:some traditions ~ longer than others, sesetengah tradisi dapat bertahan lebih lama drpd tradisi-tradisi lain; fame that will ~ forever, kemasyhuran yg akan kekal selama-lamanya; as long as life ~s , selagi kehidupan ada; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alive | adj 1. having life, living, (masih) hidup: he is still ~, dia masih hidup; wanted dead or ~, dikehendaki sama ada hidup atau mati; 2. while still living, hidup-hidup: to be burnt ~, dibakar hidup-hidup; 3. in existence, hidup: such traditions are still ~, tradisi-tradisi spt itu masih hidup; 4. of those living, di dunia ini: the kindest man ~, lelaki yg paling baik hati di dunia ini; 5. lively, cergas: although old she is very much ~, walaupun usianya tua, dia amat cergas; 6. swarming, teeming, penuh: the meat was ~ with maggots, daging itu penuh dgn berenga; a jungle that is ~ with game, hutan yg penuh dgn binatang; 7. (electr) hidup; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flag1 | dan penyajak Belanda yg bergerak secara sulit dan meneruskan tradisi mereka semasa pendudukan; even after living in Panama for thirty years he still keeps the ~ flying, walaupun telah tiga puluh tahun bermastautin di Panama, dia masih meneruskan tradisi negara asalnya; put the ~ out, meraikan sst; with ~s flying, dgn cemerlang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
iconoclast | n 1. so. who attacks established beliefs, customs, penentang tradisi; 2. destroyer of images, pemusnah berhala. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lapse | 2. come to an end, become void, luput: on his death the title ~d, apabila beliau meninggal gelarannya luput; tradition can ~ for many reasons, tradisi boleh luput krn beberapa banyak sebab; 3. (of time) pass, slip, berlalu: an hour ~d before we even realized it, kami tdk sedar masa telah berlalu sejam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flag1 | ~ of convenience, bendera kemudahan; ~ of truce, bendera putih; keep the ~ flying, keep up tradition (under difficult circumstances), /mempertahankan, meneruskan/ tradisi /sso, sst/: the Dutch artists and poets who went underground and kept the ~ flying during the occupation, seniman | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extinct | adj 1. no longer existing, pupus: over the millennia several species of animals have become ~, dlm kurun-kurun yg lalu, beberapa spesies haiwan telah pupus; this tradition, unless something is done about it, may soon become ~, tradisi ini, kecuali sesuatu tindakan diambil, mungkin pupus tdk lama lagi; 2. (of volcano) no longer active, mati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
depart | vi 1. leave, a. (of person) berlepas, bertolak, berangkat; (of royalty) berangkat: we will ~ for Korea tomorrow, kami akan berlepas ke Korea esok; b. (of means of transport) bertolak, berlepas; (of aeroplane) berlepas: the train ~s at ten, kereta api itu akan bertolak pd pukul sepuluh; 2. deviate, menyimpang: to ~ from tradition, menyimpang drpd tradisi; to ~ from o’s previous intentions, menyimpang drpd tujuan asal sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
breed | vt 1. produce (offspring) melahirkan; 2. reproduce, cause to propagate, membiakkan baka: to ~ cattle, membiakkan baka lembu; 3. create, give rise to, menimbulkan; (st unfavourable) mengakibatkan; (disease) membawa: war ~s misery and ruin, peperangan menimbulkan kesengsaraan dan kemusnahan; flies ~ disease, lalat membawa penyakit; 4. bring up, rear, membesarkan, mendidik, mengasuh: he was born and bred a gentleman, dia dilahirkan dan dibesarkan sbg lelaki yg bersopan santun; he was bred in the old tradition, dia dibesarkan dlm tradisi lama; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
age | 3. time of life person is qualified for st, umur: voting ~, umur layak mengundi; retirement ~, umur bersara; 4. stage of life, peringkat umur: middle ~, peringkat separuh umur; 5. later part of life, tua, berumur: to be bent with ~, bongkok krn tua; 6. period in history, geologic time, zaman: the Dark A~s, Zaman Kelam; the Bronze A~, Zaman Perunggu; the Ice A~, Zaman Ais; 7. generation, zaman: traditions handed down through the ~s, tradisi yg diturun-temurunkan dr zaman ke zaman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |