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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

down13. away, along, [no specif translation]: can you run ~ to the shop?, boleh kamu lari ke kedai sekejap?; 4. (indic a decrease in quantity, volume, etc), [no specif translation]: the screaming kid quietened ~, budak yg menjerit-jerit itu perlahan-lahan diam; she calmed ~ after a while, tdk lama kemudian dia tenang semula; 5. from top to bottom, lurus ke bawah: the triangular motifs ~ the sides of the fabric, motif tiga segi yg lurus ke bawah di bahagian tepi fabrik itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
devila ~ of a, (colloq), [no specif translation]: we had a ~ of a time trying to convince her, teruk kami hendak meyakinkan dia; a ~ of a car, hebat betul kereta itu; between the ~ and the deep blue sea, dlm keadaan ditelan mati emak, diludahkan mati bapa; go to the ~, a. be damned, pergi jahanam; b. go away, berambus; like the ~, see HELL (like hell); lucky ~, bertuah betul; play the ~ with, see HELL (play hell with); poor ~, [no specif translation]: the poor ~ had lost all his money, kasihan dia, habis duit dia hilang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
companionableadj [no specif translation]: they shared a ~ afternoon talking about the good old days, mereka menghabiskan petang itu berbual-bual ttg masa silam; to sit on the verandah in ~ silence, duduk di beranda sambil menikmati kesunyian.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
farevi get on, [no specif translation]: how did he ~ in the exam?, bagaimana dia menjalani peperiksaan itu?; he is faring well in his new job, dia dapat menjalankan tugas barunya dgn baik.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
differencemake /a, some, etc/ ~, [no specif translation]: she was not particularly attractive, but a new wardrobe made all the ~, dia tdk berapa menarik, tetapi setelah memakai pakaian baru, dia kelihatan cantik; makes /no, not much, little/ ~, tdk ada bezanya; it makes no ~ to me whether they win or lose, tdk ada bezanya bagi saya sama ada mereka menang atau kalah; split the ~, ambil tengah-tengah: let’s split the ~ and I’ll pay you $150, kita ambil tengah-tengah dan saya akan membayar kamu $150; with a ~, lain drpd yg lain: a restaurant with a ~, restoran yg lain drpd yg lain.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
free6. not literal, bebas: a ~ translation, terjemahan bebas; 7. unconstrained, bebas: he is somewhat ~ in his conversation, dia agak bebas dlm perbualannya; 8. lavish, profuse, mudah + approp v: he is very ~ with his advice, dia mudah memberikan nasihat; she is very ~ with money, dia mudah mengeluarkan wang; a ~ spender, (orang yg) /boros, kuat berbelanja/, pemboros; 9. costing nothing, percuma: a ~ ticket for the show, tiket percuma utk pertunjukan itu; ~ admission, masuk percuma; nothing in this world is ~, tdk ada yg percuma di dunia ini;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
close6. faithful, not deviating, tepat: a ~ translation, terjemahan yg tepat; ~ resemblance, hampir-hampir serupa; 7. (of contest) sama kuat saingannya; 8. oppressive, pengap, sesak: the air in this room is ~, udara dlm bilik ini pengap; 9. secretive, secara /sulit, diam-diam/: ~ business dealings with the syndicate, urusan perniagaan secara sulit dgn sindiket; 10. (ling) tertutup: ~ vowel, vokal tertutup;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
forc. (foll n) untuk, [or no specific translation]: we can deliver the goods ~ you, kami boleh menghantarkan barang itu untuk tuan; I have brought the letter ~ you to read, saya membawa surat itu supaya kamu dapat membacanya; there’s no need ~ you to panic, kamu tdk perlu berasa cemas; it’s time ~ us to leave, sudah sampai masanya kita pergi; the crowd made way ~ him to pass, orang ramai memberikan jalan supaya dia dapat lalu; d. (foll v), [various translations]: I can’t wait ~ them to finish it, saya tdk sabar menunggu mereka menyiapkannya; they prayed ~ his safety, mereka berdoa semoga dia selamat; to fight ~ liberty, berjuang untuk kebebasan; my brother works ~ a housing developer, abang saya bekerja di sebuah syarikat perumahan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
Joven ; by ~, (old-fashioned & colloq), [no specif translation]: by ~, he’s clever!, wah, pandainya dia!; he’s tall, by ~!, masya-Allah, tingginya dia!; I’m going to do it, by ~!, saya akan membuatnya, tengoklah!.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
in28. (used with v ending with “ing”), [no specif translation]; (meaning “in the course of”, “while”) semasa; (by performing an action) dengan: she was busily engaged ~ sweeping the floor, dia sibuk menyapu lantai; my purpose ~ writing to you is to ask your advice, tujuan saya menulis surat pd tuan adalah utk meminta nasihat; ~ saying this, I do not imply any criticism of your action, dengan mengatakan perkara ini, saya tdk bermaksud utk mengkritik tindakan saudara; you should be more careful ~ crossing the road, kamu sepatutnya lebih berhati-hati semasa melintas jalan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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