fresh | ~ out of, (colloq) baru /kehabisan, habis/: I’m ~ out of change, saya baru kehabisan duit tukar or duit tukar saya baru habis; /be, get/ ~ with so., (colloq), /berlaku kurang ajar, menggatal/ dgn sso: if he tries to get ~ with me I’ll report him, jika dia cuba berlaku kurang ajar dgn saya, saya akan laporkan dia; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exchange | vt 1. give (st) and receive (st) in return, (letters, presents, etc) berbalas-balas, bertukar-tukar; (addresses , business cards, photographs, etc) bertukar-tukar; (views, ideas, etc) bertukar-tukar: the heads of state ~d gifts, ketua-ketua negara itu bertukar-tukar hadiah; ~ blows, bertumbuk(-tumbukan), berbalas-balas tumbukan; ~ glances, saling pandang-memandang, berbalas pandangan; ~ greetings, bertegur-sapa, saling sapa-menyapa, berbalas-balas sapaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
barter | n tukar barang, barter: ~ system, sistem barter; ~ trade, perdagangan tukar barang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inconvertible | adj (esp of currency) tak boleh tukar: ~ notes, wang ertas tak boleh tukar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exchange | ~ st with, bertukar-tukar sst dgn; (greetings, glances, etc) berbalas-balas sst dgn: she ~d shoes with her sister, dia bertukar-tukar kasut dgn kakaknya; ~ words with so., /bertengkar, berkelahi, bertikam lidah/ dgn sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interchangeable | adj boleh ditukar ganti; (tech) saling boleh tukar: these terms are not synonyms and are therefore not ~, istilah-istilah ini bukan sinonim dan oleh itu, tdk boleh ditukar ganti; the parts are ~, bahagian yg saling boleh tukar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exchange | 2. a. give (so., st) in place of (so., st) else, bertukar-tukar; (seats, places) bertukar: the two countries ~d prisoners, kedua-dua negara itu bertukar-tukar orang tawanan; b. replace (st) with (st else) menukarkan: the shop refused to ~ the damaged goods, kedai itu enggan menukarkan barang yg bercacat tersebut; you can ~ these shoes if they don’t fit, kamu boleh menukarkan kasut ini sekiranya tdk muat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interchange | vt 1. put each in the place of the other, menukarkan: the front tyres should be ~d with the back tyres, tayar hadapan patut ditukarkan dgn tayar belakang; 2. exchange, bertukar-tukar; (letters, greetings, etc) saling [v]: to ~ gifts, bertukar-tukar hadiah; to ~ ideas, bertukar-tukar fikiran; the two universities arranged to ~ students regularly, dua buah universiti itu mengatur utk bertukar-tukar pelajar secara tetap; greetings were ~d between the heads of states, ketua-ketua negara itu saling berutus or berkirim utusan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
changeable | adj 1. inconstant, berubah-ubah, bertukar-tukar: his ~ nature, sifatnya yg berubah-ubah; 2. alterable, /dapat, boleh/ /berubah, bertukar/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exchange | n 1. act, process of exchanging, a. (gen) pertukaran: student ~, pertukaran pelajar; an ~ of prisoners, pertukaran banduan; b. (of opinions, ideas, etc) bertukar-tukar: an ~ of views, bertukar-tukar pandangan; c. (of greetings, glances, etc) berbalas-balas: an ~ of greetings, berbalas-balas ucap selamat; an ~ of blows, bertumbuk(-tumbukan), berbalas-balas tumbukan; an ~ of fire, bertembak-tembakan, tembak-menembak, berbalas-balas tembakan; an ~ of angry words, bertengkar, bertikam lidah; 2. interchange of money for its equivalent value, pertukaran; 3. argument or quarrel, pertengkaran; have a bitter ~, bertengkar hebat; 4. telephone exchange, ibu sawat telefon; 5. often E~, place where trading and business is done, bursa: the Corn E~, Bursa Bijirin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |