floating | adj 1. not fixed or committed, terapung: we must take into account the ~ vote, kita mesti mengambil kira undi-undi terapung; 2. (med) terapung: ~ kidney, buah pinggang terapung; 3. that floats, terapung: ~ restaurant, restoran terapung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ballot | n/b1. system of voting in secret, pengundian (sulit), pembuangan undi; 2. act, instance of voting in secret, pengundian (sulit), pembuangan undi, mengundi (secara sulit), membuang undi; take a ~, mengundi (secara sulit); 3. ballot-paper, kertas undi; 4. votes cast, jumlah undi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
canvassing | n 1. solicitation of votes or support, /usaha, kegiatan/ merayu undi: the ~ of a constituency, usaha merayu undi di kawasan pilihan raya; 2. solicitation of orders, subscriptions, etc, /usaha, kegiatan/ /mencari, mendapatkan/ /pesanan, langganan, dll/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
canvass | vt 1. solicit (votes, support) from, a. (district) merayu undi di: to ~ the entire electorate, merayu undi di seluruh kawasan pilihan raya; b. (people) berkempen di kalangan: to ~ the registered voters, berkempen di kalangan pengundi yg berdaftar; 2. solicit (orders, subscriptions, etc from, a. (district) /mencari, berusaha mendapatkan/ /pesanan, langganan, dll/ di; b. (people) /mencari, berusaha mendapatkan/ /pesanan, langganan, dll/ drpd; 3. find out, berusaha mendapatkan: to ~ the views of the people, berusaha mendapatkan pandangan orang ramai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
draw | vi 1. sketch, delineate, melukis: he prefers ~ing with charcoal, dia lebih suka melukis dgn arang; 2. also ~ lots, mencabut undi: they drew for partners, mereka mencabut undi utk mendapat pasangan; 3. allow current of air to pass through a fire, menyedut udara: the flue isn’t ~ing, serombong itu tdk menyedut udara; 4. (of tea) terendam: let the tea ~ for a few minutes, biarkan teh itu terendam utk beberapa minit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
count 1 | vt 1. call out numbers in order, /mengira, membilang/ hingga: she closed her eyes and ~ed ten, dia menutup mata dan membilang hingga sepuluh; 2. find the total of, mengira, menghitung: he ~ed the number of Smiths in the telephone book, dia mengira nama Smith dlm buku panduan telefon; have the votes been ~ed yet?, sudahkah kertas undi dikira?; 3. take into account, mengambil kira, mengira: there are 20 glasses in all if you ~ these as well, ada 20 gelas semuanya jika awak mengambil kira yg ini juga; 4. regard as, menganggap: I no longer ~ her among my friends, saya tdk lagi menganggapnya sbg salah seorang sahabat saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blank | adj 1. not written or printed on, kosong: a ~ sheet of paper, sehelai kertas kosong; a ~ page, muka surat yg kosong; come up against a ~ wall, menemui kebuntuan; 2. not filled in or for filling in, kosong: a ~ form, borang kosong; a ~ ballot paper, kertas undi yg kosong; a ~ space, ruang kosong; 3. showing no expression, kosong: a ~ look, pandangan kosong; 4. disconcerted, termangu-mangu, terpinga-pinga: she looked ~, dia kelihatan termangu-mangu; 5. utter, complete, a. (of refusal, rejection, etc) bulat-bulat; b. (of astonishment) betul-betul, benar-benar; 6. devoid of ideas, kosong: his mind suddenly went ~, fikirannya tiba-tiba menjadi kosong; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
abstention | n 1. see ABSTINENCE; 2. (in voting) a. act of abstaining, tindakan utk /berkecuali, tdk mengundi/, berkecuali, tdk mengundi: the United States’ ~ disappointed the African nations, tindakan Amerika Syarikat utk tdk mengundi mengecewakan negara-negara Afrika; b. instance of abstaining, berkecuali, tdk mengundi: ten votes in favour, six against and three ~s, sepuluh undi menyokong, enam menentang dan tiga berkecuali. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hefty | adj 1. big and strong, tegap, sendo: ~ fellows, lelaki-lelaki yg sendo; 2. bulky, heavy, besar dan berat: a ~ bag, beg yg besar dan berat; 3. powerful, kuat: a ~ punch on the jaw, tumbukan yg kuat pd rahang; 4. sizeable, besar: a ~ increase in wages, tambahan gaji yg besar; to win by a ~ majority, menang dgn lebihan undi yg besar; a ~ slice of cake, sepotong besar kuih. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
big | adj 1. of considerable size, number, amount, etc, besar; (of shoulder) besar; (of chest) bidang, besar: the child is ~ for his age, budak itu besar bagi umurnya; the ~ house opposite the school, rumah besar di hadapan sekolah itu; a ~ field for grazing, padang besar tempat meragut rumput; a ~ fleet of battle ships, angkatan besar kapal perang; a ~ drop in prices, kejatuhan besar harga; elected by a ~ majority, dipilih dgn kelebihan undi yg besar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |