lead 1 | 3. see LEASH; 4. principal role in a play, film, etc, peranan utama; (attrib) utama: he is playing the ~ in the play, dia memegang peranan utama dlm lakonan itu; he was the ~ singer in the band, dia penyanyi utama dlm pancaragam itu; 5. principal news story, berita utama: the story was the ~ in every newspaper, cerita itu telah menjadi berita utama dlm semua surat khabar; ~ article, rencana utama; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chief | adj 1. head, ketua: ~ accountant, ketua akauntan; ~ editor, ketua editor; ~ clerk, kerani /kanan, besar/; 2. main, utama: his ~ supporters, penyokong-penyokong utamanya; ~ port, pelabuhan utama; the ~ cause of the government’s downfall, sebab utama kerajaan itu jatuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arterial | adj 1. rel to, affecting, an artery, arteri: ~ disease, penyakit arteri; ~ pressure, tekanan arteri; ~ system, sistem arteri; 2. of, being, main road or lines of transport, utama: ~ road, jalan raya utama; ~ railways, jalan kereta api utama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
focal point | n 1. titik fokus; 2. (fig.) tumpuan utama; (of place, object), (tempat) tumpuan: the ~ of the new project is the provision of jobs for unemployed graduates, tumpuan utama projek ini adalah menyediakan kerja utk siswazah-siswazah menganggur; the TV set is the ~ of the sitting room, peti telivisyen itu menjadi tumpuan bilik tamu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bill1 | /fill, fit/ the ~, memenuhi /syarat, keperluan/; foot the ~, membayar bil; top the ~, menjadi + approp n utama: he topped the ~ for a number of years, dia menjadi pelakon utama utk beberapa tahun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
artery | n 1. (biol) arteri; 2. main channel of transport, communication, a. (of road ) jalan raya utama; b. (of river etc) jalan air utama. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
initiative | n 1. introductory or important step, action, daya usaha, inisiatif; (foll attrib n) langkah utama + approp prep: she took the ~ in ensuring that the place was spick and span before the governor’s visit, dia mengambil inisiatif dlm memastikan bahawa tempat itu bersih dan rapi sebelum lawatan gabenor; he did it on his own ~, dia melakukannya atas daya usahanya sendiri; peace ~s in the Gulf area, langkah utama ke arah perdamaian di kawasan Teluk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
central | adj 1. pertaining to the middle point or part, tengah: the ~ parts of Australia are mostly desert, sebahagian besar bahagian tengah Australia adalah padang pasir; 2. at a point or position in the middle, di tengah-tengah: a ~ location in the district, kedudukan di tengah-tengah daerah itu; 3. leading, chief, utama: the ~ characters in the play, watak-watak utama dlm lakonan itu; the ~ aim of the new government, tujuan utama kerajaan baru itu; 4. dominant, pokok: the ~ theme, tema pokok; 5. controlling, directing, pusat: ~ curriculum committee, jawatankuasa kurikulum pusat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foreground | n 1. latar depan: I am in the ~ of the photograph, saya berada di latar depan gambar itu; 2. (fig.) a. position of importance, tempat yg utama: the question of peace is in the ~ of our minds, persoalan perdamaian mendapat tempat yg utama dlm fikiran kami; b. centre of attention, pusat perhatian: the tax reforms are still in ~ of public attention, pembaruan cukai masih merupakan pusat perhatian umum. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
keep | n 1. main tower, most fortified part of medieval castle, menara utama; 2. what is needed for support, maintenance of person, sara hidup; earn o’s ~, membiayai sara hidup sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |